
Monday, June 16, 2014

OPI Feel the Mo-heat-oes

I am rarely impulsive with nail polish buying anymore. New mainstream collections come out, and I either don't touch them at all, or wait a few months to decide if there is anything I really want.

Limited edition/exclusive collections are another story. I heard about this OPI Hello Flamingo! collection that was exclusive to CosmoProf and I got that impulsive buy itch. CosmoProf is a store for beauty professionals only. I can't go. I want something I'm not supposed to have. One of the colors in this collection is an awesome minty green called Feel the Mo-heat-oes. I needed it.

I scoured eBay and I found it for $12.50. The bad news is I'm an idiot for paying that price, the good news is you all don't have to pay $12.50 if you want it. You can purchase these polishes on Ave You for the standard $8.50 OPI price.

Feel the Mo-heat-oes
Feel the Mo-heat-oes is a pastel mint green creme.

Color: The first question is what makes the mint green different from the others? This stands out as more of a green-toned than blue-toned mint. I also find this green has a bit of retro feel to it. This color is very Miami Art Deco District. This is a gorgeous shade of a green and definitely unique in my collection. Also, it's a flattering green! Greens can be tricky with my skin, but this one complements nicely.

Formula: Nice easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above. OPI formula can be hit or miss for me, but this formula was great.

Price: As mentioned above you can purchase this on Ave You for $8.50.

Overall: I adore Feel the Mo-heat-oes! I'm going to call it a must have, and it's going on my Top 25 of 2014 contender list. Gorgeous pastel mint green, that is unique, fun, and flattering!

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!


  1. That is pretty! I used to impulse buy a lot but after doing my no buy, I don't have that urge anymore. I'm pretty happy with what I have in my collection right now.

  2. I love this entire collection. How cute is the packaging?! Feel the Moe-heat-oes looks great on you. :)

  3. This is gorgeous! I LOVE mint polishes (actually just featured one on my blog today, too!) -- this is one I need to have in my collection for sure. I hear you on the impulse buying though, I have to STOP.

  4. I love that pretty mint color. I think I already have 15 or so mint polishes but surely this limited edition is not a dupe? I love to impulse shop, hence the 17 polishes I counted that were all mint green. But - as a polish hoarder they are all just a bit different. Yes, I said it, I am a polish hoarder and impulse buyer and I have to have the whole collection and it drives me bonkers to be missing one from a set. I will scour amazon and other online shopping to find the missing one. I love LE's though, they are my biggest weakness.

  5. I was lucky enough to get my hairdresser to snag this for me. I'm planning some nail art soon with it and Pink Flamingo. :D So pretty on you!

  6. Thank you. I know! I kind wish I got the mini set, just for the cute packaging alone! :P

  7. Thank you! I hope you get this polish. I'm sure you'll love it!

  8. Thanks! LE are my biggest weakness too, especially drugstore LE nail ;polish collections.

  9. It's definitely on my list because of you! :)

  10. Steph - I found a bottle of this at my local beauty supply store,and hadn't heard of it so I picked it up. But it has a green label on the bottle that's very different from the current OPI labels. Did yours have a green label? The other polishes I saw in the collection were existing colors, so I thought maybe I missed this one and it was from an older collection. But still odd with the green wording/label on the bottom!


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