
Friday, June 20, 2014

TTFN & Orly Ablaze

*Ta ta for now, friends! This Sunday, I'm off for vacation for 6 days! This will be my first vacation in 3 years! I'll be spending time with my boyfriend and parents on the central coast of California for some relaxation and cooler weather. I have some amazing guest posters for you all next week. I'll be around on social media, but I won't be blogging until I get back! See you back here on June 30th!*

Orly totally nailed it with their summer Baked collection. I haven't been this excited over a mainstream collection in a long time. Neons cremes are everywhere.  I love neon cremes, but I get it. Been there. It's been done. Let's try something different. How about adding some shimmer into these neons? Orly, thank you! I have one of the standouts of this collection for you today.

**Note I did have to adjust light and color for to show an accurate representation of this shade

Ablaze is a neon orange with a golden shimmer.

Color: Do I even really need to comment? This is a fiery neon orange with a standout shimmer. I've seen shimmers in neons before that barely show on the nail. This shimmer isn't joking around. This is one amazing and incredible nail polish color.

Formula: Excellent easy to apply formula. Zero complaints. I used 2 coats above.

Price: I purchased this at Sally's Beauty Supply in the $7 range.

Overall: Go out and get Orly Ablaze now. You need this. I think it's mandatory for every polish addict to get this color. This is an incredible neon! Must have. This is totally a contender for the Top 25 of 2014. I won't even call it a contender. This will be on the list. There is a spoiler for you. Get this polish!

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!


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