
Friday, September 19, 2014

Piggy Polish Vincent's Stars

On my trip to California this past June, I took advantage of stopping at as many Rite Aids as I could. As many of you know Florida is deprived of Rite Aid. While I was at one I saw a Piggy Polish display with a pretty blue polish that caught my eye. This pretty blue polish also happened to be holo, so in the cart it went!

Vincent's Stars
 Vincent's Stars a denim subtle scattered holographic.

Color: I adore this shade of blue. This a medium denim blue jean blue. This is a very subtle holo. I am not a holo snob, and I actually like subtle holos. I love the pigmentation of the base color, and how it's accented with the holo.

Formula: Excellent formula. I needed only 2 coats.

Price: I paid around $7-$8 for this at Rite Aid. I have no idea if this still available in stores. Piggy Polish isn't really a brand you can find on the web either. I have done a search and seen some results in blog sales and on eBay.

Overall: I love Vincent's Stars. I love the pigmented denim base, and equally love the subtle holo effect. If you're a holo fan, you may be disappointed this doesn't pack a holo punch. Personally, I love it just the way it is!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!


  1. When I first heard about this polish I had a friend hunt it down for me because I couldn't find it anywhere, she says when she goes back to Rite Aid the display remains untouched all these months laters, and I have seen so few people review this! It's SO GORGEOUS I have no idea why it's not getting more love!


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