
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Throwback Thursday: a-england Tristam

I seem to keep revisiting old favorites on Throwback Thrusday, but I suppose that makes sense. I'm not going to waste my TBT posts on average oldies. This next one was one of the first releases by a-england in 2011. a-england was definitely one of those brands that made its mark in nail polish world instantly with this beauty. 

Tristam is a rich navy blue scattered holo.

Collection: The Mythicals 2011

Color: This is a beautiful shade of blue unlike other ones I have. I almost wanted to call it indigo, but I didn't want to misspeak. It has a hint of purple tones to it, but not enough where I'd call it a blue-violet, but it is definitely different than most navy blues. 

Formula: Beautiful 2 coat easy formula.

Price: This is available on Llarowe for $10.00

Overall: Gorgeous timeless shade. The color is beautiful, the scattered holo is awesome. The polish is well made as well as other a-englands. I say this is a must have for any nail polish addict!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday! 


  1. Gorgeous!! I have yet to find an a-england holo that I don't like :)

  2. Good lord. I am always afraid to click when a post says a-england and it is one I don't have in my stash. Because. This. never-ending wishlist...

  3. That's pretty! Such a great shade of blue to it.

  4. This is one of my favorite polishes! It's so gorgeous!

  5. Thanks! Same here.

  6. I haven't come across one I didn't like or want!

  7. Thanks. Glad you like it!

  8. Thanks! Mine too!

  9. Ugh, I love A England so much. I need to pull my beauties out and wear them!


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