
Thursday, January 1, 2015

New Year Reflections and Nails

Welcome to 2015! I'll be celebrating my 5th blog anniversary in April. I really cannot believe I've been blogging this long. I always think at the beginning of every year will I still be doing this at the end of the year? 

I'm always surprised that I still am. I know that probably sounds odd. I'm someone who couldn't keep a diary more than 2 days, or loses interests in some hobbies quickly. My love for nail polish hasn't dulled. I think once you've hit the 5 year mark, you're in it for the long haul. I'm not sure how long I'll be blogging. I still love it, and will continue until that love isn't there anymore or life throws me something that needs to be a bigger priority.

I'm not setting any blogging resolutions. I never have. I know I'm not the best, coolest, hippest, or even a relevant nail blogger these days. I review mostly individual nail polishes I've purchased. That is pretty much an outdated style of nail blogging now. It isn't remotely comparable to the bloggers who review full brand new collections or are talented nail artists.

I'm not either one of those bloggers. I will never be, nor do I want to be. I enjoy my little space on the internet where I can document my nail polish purchases and share with you my thoughts on them. I appreciate that many of you still support me as a blogger and enjoy reading Imperfectly Painted. 

If I were to set any type of blogging resolution it would be to continue to be true myself as a blogger. It's hard not to feel inadequate when your peers are always striving for the best and have lofty blog goals. That's great for them, but I never want to feel that pressure. I have felt the pressure at times though, and I'm clearly feeling it now. 

I always saw blogging as fun outlet for me to share my opinions and make connections with others, nothing more. My personal blogging style is a lonely one, as I do not know really any other bloggers who share a similar experience. I have enough things in my personal life that I always need to work on or strive for better. Blogging and nail polish are my break from that, my refuge. I'm going to keep it that way! 

On to my New Year's nails!

Polishes Used: China Glaze My Way or the Highway (new Spring 2015 color), OPI Comet in the Sky, and KBShimmer Ecplise. 

Happy Thursday!

P.S. Throwback Thursday will resume either next week or the week after! 


  1. For whatever it's worth, I like your blog, just as you are. You have an amazing corner here in the blogging world, and I love your voice. You are a little ray of sunshine in this sometimes mean and competitive nail blogging world. I hope for many more years of your blog.

    Also, I'm surprised I'm still blogging too. I'm the person who keeps buying journals because they're pretty; use them for a day or two, and then quit. I think I must have 15 journals scattered around my house. LOL!

  2. I like your blog, Stephanie! I blog similarly and will be doing so even more this year, as I have to swatch and wear my ridiculous collection, lol.

  3. And this is exactly why I like your blog so much! I'm afraid I'm not a huge fan of nail art, and I think a lot of us just buy the colors we like, not whole collections. So keep on doing what you do and being the best you that you can, and I'm going to keep right on reading and enjoying :). Happy New Year!

  4. Great New Year nails these are! Happy New Year to you Steph!

  5. That is why I like your blog because you review random polishes and not the latest and newest collection to be released. You talk about many polishes that never get any love from other bloggers. It's also refreshing that you cover a lot of drugstore polishes and more affordable brands. While I like looking at Chanel or Estee Lauder polishes, I am not about to pay nearly $20 or more for a single bottle of polish. Happy New Year! Congrats on 5 years. Whoo Hoo!

  6. Lovely mani and lovely post. Please keep being you! That's why we all visit here! :)

  7. Yours was one of the first nail blogs I started reading. Thanks for providing such a nice, colorful, personable space on the interwebs - here's to the next five years!

  8. I love Imperfectly Painted just as it is. You were one of the first nail blogs I ever started reading and now, as your friend, I'm totally proud of you and think IP is still just as awesome. Also, you're completely relevant and here's why: Google nearly any nail polish and guess whose swatch images always appear at the top of the pile? Yours! I know your pose and that it's your swatch every single time. :) Keep it up, Steph, we love your little corner of the nail blogging world!

  9. Thank you so much, Jessica. I always respect you as a person and a friend. Your kind words mean a lot to me. <3

  10. Thank you so much, Amanda. Same here!

  11. Thank you so much for your support. Happy New Year to you!

  12. Thank you. Happy New year!

  13. Thank you so much, Cindi. I appreciate your support, and I'm so glad you enjoy my posts. I do know that a lot of everyday polishes do not get the love anymore. I can't purchase full collections, most people can't either! I feel like I relate a lot more to my readers than other bloggers.

  14. Thank you so much, Anne. I appreciate your support and kindness!

  15. Thank you so much! I appreciate your continued support and I'm glad you enjoy my blog.

  16. Thank you so much!

  17. Thank you so much, Ashley. I appreciate your support and your friendship! <3 <3


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