
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Throwback Thursday: Maybelline Zip Fly

I have a Maybelline oldie to share with you today. This is a major oldie too, as I can't date it, but I'm sure its around 15 years or 15+ years old. That's ancient in nail polish years. I wish I could say I've owned this one for that long, but I remember purchasing this from a blog sale shortly after I started blogging in 2010.

Zip Fly
 Zip Fly is a deep jewel-toned blue base with a subtle shimmer and micro silver glitter.

Collection: Maybelline Express Finish- Finish Denim late 90's-early 00's(?) Can anyone confirm when this collection was released?

Color: This is a beautiful color, and I know why I purchased this from a blog sale. It reminded me a lot of the elusive Essie Starry Starry Night. This isn't a dupe or even a near dupe though. There isn't enough glitter and the shimmer in Zip Fly make this more of a cousin than a twin or a sister. That being said, it's a gorgeous blue, and I love the combination of shimmer and sparkle here.

Formula: This formula for being over a decade old is still realy nice. I used 3 coats above. It has thickened and bit, but nothing unmanageable at all.

Price: No clue. You can't find this one anymore unfortunately. There was a time a couple years ago, colors like this popped up at Dollar Tree, but I'm betting those days are over.

Overall: Beautiful nail polish that I'm glad to own. This is one I'll never part with. It's unique, pretty, and it's just so old! Respect your elder polishes!

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!


  1. Love it! I have this and some of the companion polishes to it, Indigo Chic & Hip Huggers. I actually still remember buying these many moons ago... Back then I didn't usually buy more than one polish at a time (the hubby & I were super poor back then).

  2. I actually just found a Maybelline Express Finish polish at Dollar Tree a few weeks ago! Nothing this gorgeous, but I was stoked to find it at all! Man, these polishes used to be my jam. I had so many!


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