
Monday, March 9, 2015

a-england Fotheringhay Castle

I have a newer a-england polish to show you today. I seem to never go wrong with a-england polishes. I don't have a bad one in my little stash of them. This is a color I would typically never go for though. Olive greens are not usually my cup of tea, but this color was so striking I needed to have it.

Fotheringhay Castle 
a-england, green, shimmer, nail polish
 Fotheringhay Castle is a golden olive green with a scattered holographic shimmer.

Collection: Elizabeth & Mary Collection Late 2014

Color: This is a very rich olive green that leans toward gold at least on my skin. This is a color I rarely gravitate toward, but this is just such a rich and luxurious color I can't help but love it. The color is very saturated, and I love the metallic and holographic effect.

Formula: Superb formula. a-england always has superb formulas. I used 2 coats above.

Price: I paid $10 for this on Color4Nails.

Overall: Fotheringhay Castle is a beautifully rich color. I love the depth and dimension of this polish and the formula is on point. This is another winner from a-england!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!


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