
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

OPI I Carol About You

We're going back to Christmas today, but I really don't think this is a Christmas color outside the name. I totally bypassed the OPI Gwen Stefani holiday collection. It was either I didn't see anything that stood out to me or it had colors that I was sure I already owned. It was after the holidays I saw some swatches of some colors I determined I had missed out on few. This was one of them.

I Carol About You
I Carol About You is a medium-deep blue-toned purple with a pink shimmer.

Collection: OPI Gwen Stefani Holiday 2014

Color: When I saw this in the store all I could see was a purple creme. I have plenty of purple cremes. This is a very nice shade of purple though. What I didn't notice was the shimmer in this, which comes to life on the nail. It's a more subtle shimmer. I wish it was a bit stronger, but it still added a level of depth to this polish I really like.

Formula: Easy to use, 2 coat formula.

Price: You can find this on Amazon now for $6.75. 

Overall: I like I Carol About You. This one was  surprise in a bottle for me. I love the richness of the color and the added shimmer was icing on the cake. I wish knowing that it did have shimmer, it was just a teeny bit more prominent, but I like it nonetheless. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 


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