
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

OPI Kiss Me- Or Elf!

I have another one of the holiday OPI Gwen Stefani polishes to share with you today. I know, this was in a holiday collection, but I think like I Carol About You this is a universal anytime of year color. For me, this is what I'd consider a transition color. This is a great in-between winter and spring color.

Kiss Me- Or Elf!
Kiss Me- Or Elf! is a glowing fuchsia shimmer.

Collection: OPI Gwen Stefani Holiday 2014

Color: This is like I Carol About You is one of those polishes that comes alive on the nail. In the bottle, it doesn't look very interested, but on the nail this glows! It's a beautiful color, but I wouldn't call it unique. My concern with this is while I love it on the nail, I may bypass it in my stash because it doesn't really pop in the bottle.

Formula: This was a smooth and easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This can be found on Amazon for $6.

Overall: I love the glowing effect the shimmer in Kiss Me- Or Elf! has. This is a very nice all around polish. I'm just not sure it's unique and flashy enough in the bottle to be memorable. This is one you really need to see on the nail to appreciate.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!


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