
Thursday, March 12, 2015

Throwback Thursday: BB Couture Dragon's Breath

Time for Throwback Thursday! I have another somewhat ancient polish to show you this week. Ancient, as in it's older than 5 years. I think in nail polish years that's pretty old! This one is from the brand BB Couture which I don't hear much from these days. I know they still make nail polish, but they've been pretty quiet on blogs.

Dragon's Breath
Dragon's Breath is a red-toned purple jelly with reda and silver micro glitter.

Collection: No sure? Does anyone know? I believe this came out in 2008 or 09 though.

Color: This color makes me miss old school nail polish. I don't see many jelly micro-glitters anymore. This is a beautifu jelly base and that glitter is just perfect.

Formula: This formula was easy to use, but is sheer on the first coat. I used 3 coats above.

Price: This is sadly long discontinued. I did a search on it, and I can't find it anywhere anymore.

Overall: This is a great blast from nail polish past. This is a beautiful nail polish that if you have you should use again! I just love that micro-glitter. Nail polish companies, please bring this back!

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!


  1. I really like how juicy this color is.

  2. This is a lovely squishy color! And what on earth is happening with BB Couture? They kind of disappeared, as far as I can see.


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