
Friday, May 29, 2015

Maybelline Fuchsia Fever

Have you ever bought a polish knowing in the back of your mind that it might be mistake? I had this feeling with this Maybelline polish. I don't think it was entirely a mistake, but I kind of had a feeling what I was seeing in the bottle wasn't going to be what I got on my nails. I should of listened to my intuition. I knew what was going on with this one, but I got it anyways.

Fuchsia Fever
Fuchsia Fever is a berry-purple jelly.

Collection: Maybeline Color Show Core

Color: This is one of those fake out bright purples. You can see from the bottle can't you? In the bottle this looked like it would be a bright violet creme. No, this is one of those very sheer weird jelly red-toned purples. In the bottle the polish doesn't look well mixed. I should of known better, well I did know better. I just thought there was at least 1% of it being what I wanted it to be.

Formula: This formula is pretty bad. It's very sheer and very patchy. I used 4 coats above and you can see areas of my nails where it's more bare than others. The formula wasn't bad or hard to apply, it just isn't pigmented at all and uneven.

Price: I paid around $3-$4 for this at Walmart.

Overall: Don't be fooled by this one. It's a mess. It's not what it looks like or what you want it to be. Fake out purple galore.

My Rating: 1 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!


  1. It's not a bad colour but that's really bad for 4 coats plus obviously you want what you see in the bottle!

  2. 4 coats!!!??? Oh my. It is a pretty color though but the bottle color is more violet/blue and your nails look more red violet/fuschia.

  3. Exactly! Not what I was expecting!

  4. Such a bummer that this polish took four coats.


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