
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 9/20/15-9/27/15

I'm starting a new weekly weekend feature on my blog. I'm a reformed candle addict who has turned into a wax junkie. Candles are expensive, take up a lot of space for storage, and I get tired of scents quickly, so I decided to switch to wax melts. Every Sunday, I'm going to do a wrap of up and review of all the wax melts I melted that week

You can melt wax melts in a warmer. I like the Glade electric warmer best. The wax melts are small and the scent last between 8-12+ hours, so you can switch out scents frequently. I primarily purchase only a handful of brands. I like Glade, Better Homes & Gardens, Scentsationals, and Ten Digits Creations an indie wax vendor. You can find Better Homes & Gardens and Scentsationals for $2 for 6 little tarts at Walmart.

I melted all Ten Digit Creations wax this week. I love TDC. There are other indie vendors out there I've tried, but TDC is the best in my opinion. They have the best quality, their TAT (turn around time) is super fast, and their customer service is amazing. You can purchase their wax melts (they're dye free) in singles, doubles, 4 packs, 12 packs, or a big 14oz loaf. I typically burn a half or whole tart/melt depending on the scent.

Here is what I melted this week!

Fall Festival
Scent Description: pumpkins, fall leaves, caramel apples, hayrides, and hot cider
My Thoughts: I'm not hugely into sweet/bakery scents, but I adore this. I can really smell the caramel apples in this. It's sweet without being too much. I detect the pumpkin and leaf notes in this which tone down and round out the sweetness!

Twisted Peppermint
Scent Description: peppermint, vanilla, and sugared musk
My Thoughts: This a Bath & Body Works dupe. This is spot on. It's a sweet peppermint, but again not sickly sweet. The peppermint in this is STRONG. It will clear your sinuses. This is a great bright and knock your socks off scent. 

Green Tea & Willow
Scent Description: green tea with notes of fresh air, bergamot, white willow, and jasmine
My Thoughts: Green Tea & Willow is a very fresh and green scent. I love clean scents like this, the clean/green scent is the high note in here with some subtle but nice sweet floral background.

Autumn Night
Scent Description: crisp autumn nights come to life with nutmeg and cinnamon  layered with applewood and cedar
My Thoughts: This is another Bath & Body Works dupe. This is a great fall woodsy scent. It's spicy, dark, smoky, and rich all at once. This is masculine, but not really in terms of cologne, it's those woodsy and smokey notes that make me think masculine. 

Christmas Spirit
Scent Description: cranberry, bayberry, fir needles, clove
My Thoughts: This is spot on Christmas scent to me. It's a very fresh and nature kind of Christmas smell. It smells like a fresh Christmas tree out in the cold winter air with hints of tart cranberry to round it out. There is nothing artificial or too strong about this scent. It's very festive, crisp, and inviting. One of my favorites!

Black Pearl
Scent Description: lavender and chamomile with notes of myrrh, olibanum, and sugar
My Thoughts: This is a Lush dupe scent. This is the perfect bedtime scent to me. It's very soothing and calming. The chamomile note in here is strongest to me which I love. I adore this scent. I want to spray it on everything. The sugar notes in this really balances it out to be sweet (not candy or bakery sweet though) and soothing, not medicinal like some lavender scents can be.  Another favorite here!

Christmas Tree
Scent Description: complete with lights, ornaments, and garland
My Thoughts: This had a very nondescript scent description, so I took a gamble. I wanted to like this so bad, but I sadly this isn't for me. This has a something what I think is a licorice note to it mixed with pine. It's just a combination that my nose does not agree with it all. It's too sharp and has a sweetness to that I didn't find pleasant. 

Cactus & Sea Salt
Scent Description: green cactus mingled with ocean air, sea spray, driftwood, and sea moss
My Thoughts: This is another clean/spa scent. I like this one. It has strong watery and sea salt notes to it with a hint of green from the cactus. It's not the most exciting scent, but it's a great go-to clean and fresh scent that works year round.

That's all I melted this week, which is a lot! I switch up scents every other or day and sometimes everyday. You can purchase all the ones I listed above on the Ten Digits Creations website.

I know many of you are just nail polish readers, but I hope you will enjoy this. I hope I can turn some of you into wax addicts too!

Happy Sunday!

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