
Monday, October 26, 2015

Bliss Polish Oh My Confetti

* I received the following product in exchange for my honest review.

Can you believe I'm still working my way through Cosmoprof polishes? I sure am! I think I'll be working through them through next year. This polish is made my Bliss Polish. I had never tried this brand before and I'm so glad it's now on my radar. This is an excellent beauty!

Oh My Confetti
Oh My Confetti is a white crelly base with teal fuchsia, blue, copper, and gold glitters.

Collection: Unknown

Color: This is a great white crelly and I love the glitters in here. I love that these are jewel-toned colored glitters. It's a different from most white crellies I'm used to with primary or pastel color glitters. This color combination is great and unexpected.

Formula: Fan-freaking-tastic formula. White crellies tend to be my nemesis when it comes to formula. They can be uneven, streaky, sheer, and pain in the butt to apply. This formulation was heavenly. I was shocked while applying it because it was so opaque. I only needed 2 coats. You could use more to build up the glitter though .

Price: This is $7.50 on Bliss Polish's website.

Overall: Oh My Confetti is a beautiful white crelly. I love the color of the glitters used, and most importantly I love this spectacular formula. I'm really impressed with Bliss Polish and it's definitely a indie that I will be revisiting!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

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