
Sunday, October 4, 2015

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 9/27/15-10/3/15

It's time for another Weekly Wax Wrap Up. If you missed my first post, check it out here. I didn't melt as much new stuff as last week, plus there was some crossover. I did do a fair a bit of melting though.

Mainstays Mulled Cider
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: I wish these had scent descriptions, but they don't. This has that perfect warm and cozy apple cider scent. The scent on this was strong, but didn't last very long. I think it lasted me about 4-6 hours tops, whereas other melts I can get a good 8-12 hours out of it. These melts are very small too. I used half the package in one go. The entire package is $0.93 cents a Walmart, so it's a cheap buy anyways. The quality though was great, but go ahead and buy 2 packages!

ScentSationals Zen
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: This to me smells exactly like Bath & Body Works Stress Relief in Eucalyptus Spearmint. This is my go-to scent. If I don't know what to melt, I melt this one. It's a favorite for me and my boyfriend. The scent is very fresh, soothing, and hint on the masculine side. I always buy this in the Value Pack (12 melts) for this reason. I need to always have this one on hand. I get this at Walmart for around $3-$4, they have a regular size pack (6 melts) for $2. 

Ten Digit Creations Cranberry Citrus
Scent Description: cranberries, grapefruit, tangerine, orange, and lemon-lime
My Thoughts: I love cranberry scents. I always gravitate them when I'm craving something fruity in fall or winter. This was very strong on the other citrus, orange in particular, when I first started melting it. The cranberry started to take the forefront a few hours in. I wish the cranberry notes were stronger in this one. Don't get me wrong this a great punchy and bright citrus scent that I love, but it feels a bit more summer to me than fall. This can be purchased on the TDC website

K's Kreations Blue Corn Moon
Scent Description: Notes of cider, fresh baked sweets, earthy fire, and creamy sugar corn pudding
My Thoughts: I like this scent, but I don't love it. It definitely fits for fall and it's a nice foodie scent for the season. I definitely detect the corn pudding. I feel like it's missing something though, like it could be a bit sweeter or brighter? I find that sometimes bakery scents get heavy, not as in strong, but as in they can get muddled and feel like they need freshning up. It's a nice scent overall, but it needed a bit more punch for me. You can purchase this one on the K's Kreations website

Ten Digit Creations Supernova
Scent Description: champagne cocktail of orange and cognac
My Thoughts: This is a Lush dupe. I haven't smelled the Lush version, but I L-O-V-E this scent. It smells like fancy hotel spa or bathroom products. It's soft refreshing citrus scent that is balanced with this soapiness. It is divine. It's a very pamper yourself and feel all lush and special scent. This is one of my favorite TDC scents for sure. You can purchase it here

That's all for this week! Until then!

Happy Sunday!

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