
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Third Week Throwbacks: NARS Purple Rain

*Sorry for the delay in posting this week. I have been sick and I had jury duty all day yesterday, so I'm a behind! 

I had a very unexpected find at a very random store last week. I went to Bealls Outlet which is the outlet offshoot of Bealls which is a store similar to Kohls. Bealls Outlet though is more like a Ross and can get odd and end items you'd never find in the Bealls store itself.

I went there looking for clothes and shoes and just decided to browse through their bath and body section when I stumbled across a handful of NARS nail polishes. NARS is a high end brand and I think their polishes are around $20. I picked up a bottle and saw that it was Purple Rain. This was fairly popular color when it was released in 2010 as evidence by postings from Vampy Varnish and Scrangie

The best part is when I looked at the price tag they were selling it for $3.99. Score. That was definitely going home with me. I didn't end up finding any clothes or shoes, but I found a NARS nail polish. I also ended up finding a handful of polishes from the China Glaze Hunger Games collection there too for $2 each. 

Purple Rain
Purple Rain is a deep purple with blue and red shimmer.

Collection: NARS Spring 2010 

Color: This is the queen of purple polishes. This is stunning jewel toned amethyst purple with a gorgeous red and blue shimmer. This polish absolutely glows. It's rich, but it's also vibrant and eye catching too. This is a stunning shade of purple.

Formula: Flawless formula. I expect that from high end polishes. I don't use many high end polishes, but when I do I can tell the difference from them and mainstream. This applies so beautifully and opaquely with no effort. I used 2 coats above.

Price: Bealls Outlets are not everywhere and stock varies from store to store, but if you have one near you, you might want to check it out. This was $3.99 for me there. I do see some listings online in the $10-$20 range. 

Overall: I'm very happy about my this surprise find. This is a beautiful color and it's a great throwback. Purple Rain is stunning and great reminder of awesome polishes of yesteryear. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday! 

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