
Monday, February 22, 2016

OPI That's Hula-rious

The weirder the color the better? I'm often not drawn to weirder colors, but when I decide to pick one out they instantly become favorites. That's how it was with this OPI color. I knew I wanted it instantly, but it took me awhile to get around to getting it. I'm glad I have it now. 

That's Hula-rious
That's Hula-rious is a pale mint green creme.

Collection: OPI Hawaii Spring/Summer 2015

Color: I know this color may not be weird to some, but it is for me. I'm not much of a green polish person, and much less a super pale green polish fan. I love mint green polishes, but most of the mint polishes I have lean more toward blue than green. This one is definitely green leaner. It's an unusual polish choice for me, but I absolutely love it. It's such a pretty and airy shade of green. 

Formula: Excellent formula for a pastel color. I only needed 2 coats and found it to be smooth and easy to apply.

Price: You can purchase this on Amazon or eBay in the $6-$8 range. 

Overall: I love this green creme. I think it's a very fun color while still being chic. I love colors that catch me by surprise. 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday! 

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