
Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cupcake Polish Imagine

I have another one of the fantastical polishes from Cupcake Polish's Unicorn Collection. This collection is made up of beautiful jelly holo micro-glitters. I'm a suck for glitter so of course I fell in love with these. I love indies doing one-tone glitters these days. There are so many different muti-colored glitters out there, but I when doing manis I may only use those as accent nails. Solid tone glitters I love as full manis.

Imagine is a pastel teal jelly with silver holo microglitter.

Collection: Cupcake Polish Unicorn Collection Winter 2016

Color: You can never go wrong with a great teal in my book and this one is great. I love this shade of blue-green and that holo glitter makes this polish magical. This is sparkle city!

Formula: This had a great formula. It applied beautifully and easily. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This is $13.00 on Cupcake Polish's site.

Overall: This is a winning polish. I love the color and the holo glitter. The polishes in this collection including Imagine fit perfectly in a Unicorn themed collection. These colors are magical!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday!

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