
Friday, April 15, 2016

Glam Polish I'm Shore You Did

I have some bitterness toward Glam Polish. I oogled over the brand for a long time, and when I finally caved and purchased some I was disappointed (i.e. Sealieset Thing I Ever Heard and Get Otter Here). I just feel like the holo and glitter magic I saw in swatch photos didn't translate on to my nails. I felt the polishes were dull and muted in comparison. I honestly hadn't bothered swatching the rest of the polishes I bought because I was so bummed out by them. I did decide to try one out the other day, and I have to say of the bunch this one lived up to my expectations.

I'm Shore You Did
 I'm Shore You Did is a silver linear holo mixed with silver and multi colored holo glitter.

Collection: Glam Polish Under the Sea Summer 2015

Color: What attracted me to this polish was the added multi-colored holo glitter. There are silver holo polishes galore out there. I don't have the time to go through every indie silver holo offering and determine which one is the best. I have a few and I'll make do with what I have, I don't need every version. That being said, when there is one that has some extra flair I'm into it. This is one is great and it definitely stands out as different among other silver holo gliters. The holo effect in this is great and what I expected.

Formula: The formula on this was great and easy to apply. I used 2 coats.

Price: This is $11.00 on the Glam Polish site.

Overall: I really do like this polish, but it hasn't won me over to the brand. I'm still pretty bitter. I have noticed Glam Polish has taken on some new swatchers that I feel give a better representation of what the polish looks like in general. I'm not saying the others don't, but they have fancy cameras that really highlight every glimmer and sparkle in a polish. That maybe how a polish looks in that exact moment, with that exact lighting, and that exact angle, but isn't really how it looks generally. This is why when shopping it's so important to look through various swatches. It's also important to read reviews. This is something that we do tend to lack on Instagram. We see a pretty photo, but don't get a review. Reviews are equally important as a photo. There are many polishes I've posted here that look great in photo, but I have issues with and tell you in my review! I could go on and on about this subject, but that's for another blog post. I do like this polish though and was happy it wasn't a dud like the others.

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Friday!

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