
Monday, August 1, 2016

Fair Maiden Just a Mirage

*The product was provided in exchange for my honest review.

I just got back from Cosmoprof 2016, yet I still have polishes from Cosmoprof 2015 to review! Oy vey! This one is from Fair Maiden polish. I've never tried the brand before this so I was looking forward to testing this brand out.

Just a Mirage
Just a Mirage is a burgundy wine with linear holo.

Collection: Fair Maiden Polish Swords and Lace: A Renaissance Fantasy

Color: This a nice rich toned red-purple shade. This isn't my favorite color. There isn't anything wrong with the color. I just feel like this color done with holo is a bit overdone. It's a pretty color I just have many like it.

Formula: Unfortunately, I had a lot of issues with this formula. I found it to be thick, sticky, and uneven. It did not apply nicely for me. The finished product looks nice, but it took some effort to get there! I used 3 coats above.

Price: This is $11 on the Fair Maiden website.

Overall: I'm not to thrilled with this one. I think color-wise my personal opinion aside it's an all around beautiful color. The holo effect is strong and pretty. I just really can't get over the formula on this one. It really did work out well for me and I'm kind of surprised to find a holo formula to have issues with self-leveling and unevenness. I'm not sure if this is just an off polish with the brand, but I'm a bit let down.

My Rating: 2 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

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