
Saturday, September 3, 2016

Fall Fun Series: Introduction

Hello there friends! This will be a new post series that myself, and a bunch of old and new blogging friends will be engaging in this autumn season. We will be covering our fall wax melts, candles, recipes, decorations, and more. Please feel free to join us in the comments when we post by telling us what you are melting or creating or loving this fall. If you are a blogger and would like to join us please let us know and we will send you the schedule of posts. Please welcome the following bloggers and check out their posts as well which will generally post Monday and Friday starting September and ending the day after Thanksgiving. I'm not going to be able to do all of these, but I'm going to do all the ones I can do. 

Amanda at ThriftyPolished
Jessica at The Meltdown Blog
Lauren at LoloLovesScents
Liz at Furianne
Sandra at Finger Candy
Stephanie at Imperfectly Painted
Sunnee at Our Sunny Life

To kick off the first post we will do a Fall Tag!

1. What is your favorite thing about fall?

My favorite thing is decorating and fall scents. 

2. Do you get fall colors where you live?

Not a chance here in Florida! I wish we did. I'd love to have seasons. 

3. Favorite fall scent (wax, or anything)?

I can't narrow it down to one. I tire of the same scents so I always have to switch it up. My favorite types of fall scents are outdoorsy and pumpkin scents.

4. Favorite fall food or drink?

Pumpkin Spiced Latte, not from Starbucks though. I can make my own at home! 

5. Football.....yay or nay?

Big nay. I really dislike football. It's probably because I was in marching band and had to go to every football game in high school. I'm not much of a sports person.

6. Do you rake, jump in, or burn piles of leaves?

No, we don't have leaves to rake, jump in, or burn here. If we did I'd like to jump in them and step on them so they crunch! 

7. Haunted house or corn maze?

I've never been in either, but I'd go with corn maze, because I'd probably cry and wet my pants in a Haunted House.

8. Have you ever gone on a hayride?

I think I did when I was younger at a fall festival for school.

9. Cider or hot chocolate?

I actually like them both. It depends on my mood. Right now, I'm into cider. They had this Apple Cider Tea at World Market that I tried and loved, but they were out :(! 

10. Carve a pumpkin or eat pumpkin pie?

Eat pumpkin pie. Eating trumps carving. Duh! 

11. Do you dress up for Halloween?

Not usually anymore. I may throw some cat ears on or something. I know that's lame.

12. Candy corn.....yay or nay?

Nay, yuck!

13. Favorite Halloween movie?

It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

14. Scariest movie?

I don't really watch scary movies.

15. Halloween or Thanksgiving?

This is impossible to choose. I really love both for different reasons. Halloween I love decorating for the most. Thanksgiving I love for the food obviously. 

16. Do you watch the Macy's parade?

Yes. Every year! 

17. Apple pie or pumpkin pie?

Pumpkin pie.

18. White or dark meat?

I like either, but if someone dries out the turkey the white meat can be like sandpaper. It depends on who is cooking it.

19. Jellied or real cranberry sauce?

Give me the canned jellied stuff! 

20. Will you host or travel for Thanksgiving this year?

I really don't know my Thanksgiving plans yet. 

How about you? Join us by giving some of your fall tag answers! Next post we will feature our fall melting stash.

Happy Saturday! 

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