
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sinful Colors Couture For Sure

I think the only time we are going to even have a possibility of having anything interesting at the drugstore is going to be during the fall/holiday season. I was happy to see some new eye-catching Sinful Colors polishes recently with their Fashion Flash Luxe Glitters collection. I picked up a few of those including this purple. 

Couture For Sure (over a purple creme)
Couture For Sure is a sheer violet with pinky-violet shimmer and purple flakes. 

Collection: Fashion Flash Luxe Glitters Fall 2016

Color: What caught my eye with this color was the shimmer. I love when purples have an intense shimmer and this one has it. I also love the addition of flakes. It's cool combination especially for a drugstore polish at this price point. 

Formula: This collection I found I preferred layered, which I know these days isn't the ideal. These on their own are buildable, but they don't build up completely opaque and the more layers the clumpier it gets with the flakes. I layered 2 coats of this over a dark purple creme and I do really like the look of it this way. It's so much richer than on its own. The formula itself was easy to use and spread out evenly on the nail. 

Price: This was $1.99 at Walgreens.

Overall: I think this is a nice attempt from Sinful Colors. It's not the greatest on its own and for it to look its best it does need a backdrop. I'm not disappointed and I do like it, but thinking of what people's expectations these days I don't think everyone will be satisfied. For $1.99 and it being the only drugstore brand to reach outside the box these days I'm satisfied. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday! 

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