
Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Throwbacks Week: MAC Bad Fairy

It's time for Throwbacks Weeks. Let's start off with a highly coveted polish from 6 years ago. I remember when MAC's Venomous Villians collection was first introduced it was obvious this was a collection nail polish lovers back then would be throwing their money at. I remember the day it was released very well. I had a doctor's appointment that morning. I'm not the biggest fan of going to the doctor. I dread and worry about it for weeks ahead of time. That dumb doctor's appointment was what was between me and my MAC nail polish. That was my treat after my doctor's appointment assuming I survived. I did survive and I got my awesome MAC Bad Fairy polish to prove it. 

Bad Fairy
Bad Fairy is a rosy magenta foil with golden-orange duochrome flash.

Collection: MAC Venomous Villians Fall 2010

Color: This was a pretty revolutionary color back in 2010. You definitely couldn't find it in a drugstore or mainstream brand back then. This is gorgeous as so perfect for fall. I adore the foil finish and I must say I really miss foil finishes. I don't' see them much anymore, and they're one of my faves. 

Formula: The formula has held up pretty well over the years and hasn't changed from what I remember. That being said, the formula is pretty sheer and I needed 4 coats here. That's what it was 6 years ago and that's what it is now. It is easy to apply and a smooth formula.

Price: I've seen a few pop up on eBay here and there in the $15-$30 price range. Be on the lookout!

Overall: This is a great throwback polish for me with a memorable story behind it. It's the only MAC polish I own to this day too. I love the color and especially the foil finish.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 

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