
Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 10/9/16-10/23/16

This is more like a review of wax over the past 2 weeks. Last week, I caught a cold. I couldn't smell anything for a week, so I skipped last week's post. My sense of smell returned this past Thursday, so I have 2 waxes pre-cold and 2 waxes post-cold to share with you today.
Lake Providence Lodge Lovely Grace
Scent Description: This is a duplication of a famous actress’ fragrance although I think it smells also like another fancy line’s shower gel and lotion. So, I combined the name! This scent is for those who love clean, fresh and slightly floral scents.
My Thoughts: This smells like Philosophy's Amazing Grace scent. It's a lovely feminine, perfume-like scent that is soft and pleasant. I love this scent as it has a more sophisticated touch, but it's still a clean scent. I really enjoyed this one.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5
Where To Buy: Lake Providence Lodge

Yankee Candle Crisp Fall Night 
Scent Description: The autumn evening invites with brisk earthiness and dreamy interludes of lavender and woodland notes.
My Thoughts: This is a soft woodsy scent. I go through phases of loving woodsy scents and not being able to stomach them. This one is nice because it's a softer scent. It's not overbearingly woodsy. I definitely get the lavender and woodsy vibe going on and it works well. Yankee Candle wax tarts are known to be really light in throw, this one is light-medium, but it works for a scent like this. I don't think I'd want it to be stronger.
Scent Throw: 2.5/5
Where To Buy: Yankee Candle

Lake Providence Lodge Chamomile & Lavender 
Scent Description: Sweet, calming chamomile is blended with an herbal lavender creating a relaxing and clean scent.
My Thoughts: Chamomile and lavender blends are probably my absolute favorite and this one delivers. It's the perfect soothing, cozy, and relaxing scent I want when it's bedtime or I just need to relax. It's soft, clean, and powdery. I love the throw on this one too, it's strong unlike similar blends from other vendors. 
Scent Throw: 4/5 
Where To Buy: Lake Providence Lodge

Wilma's Bonfire Bliss
Scent Description: Roasting marshmallows at a bonfire!
My Thoughts: I'm guessing this is a dupe to BBW Marshmallow Fireside. I have a Marshmallow Fireside candle and I do detect some differences. Bonfire Bliss I can't help but get a weird coconut note from it, it's not as marshmallowy or smoky as the BBW. It's a nice scent, but not exactly what I wanted from it.
Scent Throw: 3/5
Where To Buy: Wilma's Shop

Happy Sunday!

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