
Friday, December 30, 2016

Top 25 of 2016: Part 5

We're in the final stretch! Check out Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.

*Not in ranking order.

Zoya Courtney
Collection: Urban Grunge Fall 2016
My Review

Sinful Colors Slay Grey
Collection: Kylie King Precious Metals & Crowns Jewels 2016
My Review

KBShimmer Pink Tourmaline
Collection: Birthstone Winter 2016
My Review

LevelUp Lacquer Subspace
Collection: Intergalactic Flakie 2016
My Review

Heather's Hues Killer Costume Party
Collection: Haunted 2016
My Review

That's a wrap on 2016! Do we have any favorites in common?

See you in 2017!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Top 25 of 2016: Part 4

On to Part 4! Check out Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

*Not in ranking order.

Ever After Burning Twilight 
 Collection: Custom Polish made for Newsie Nail Novice
My Review

OPI I Manicure for Beads
Collection: New Orleans Spring/Summer 2016
My Review

KBShimmer Night Bright
Collection: Spring 2016

Native War Paints Stripped Stephanie
Collection: The Nudes Winter 2016
My Review

Zoya Olivera
Collection: Enchanted Holiday 2016
My Review

See you for the final installment!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Top 25 of 2016: Part 3

On to Part 3! Check out Part 1 & Part 2.

*Not in ranking order.

Cupcake Polish Believe
Collection: Unicorn Winter 2016
My Review

KBShimmer One Night Sand
Collection: Summer 2016
My Review

Noodles Nail Polish Winter Daze
Collection: Winter 2016
My Review

LevelUp Lacquer Temporal Flux
Collection: Intergalactic Galactic Flakie 2016
My Review

L.A. Colors Family Ties
Collection: Color Last 2016
My Review

See you for Part 4!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Top 25 of 2016: Part 2

On to Part 2! If you missed it here's Part 1.

*Not in ranking order

Bohemian Polish Flamingo
Collection: Vegas At Night 2016

Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree
Collection: Holiday 2016

Girly Bits What Happens in Vegas...Ends Up On Twitter
Collection: What Happens in Vegas 2016

China Glaze We Got The Beet
Collection: Lite Brites Summer 2016

KBShimmer Chai-huahua
Collection: Winter 2016

See you for Part 3! 

Monday, December 26, 2016

Top 25 of 2016: Part 1

It's my favorite time of year! I've done my Top 20/25 polishes every year since I started my blog in 2010. The only criteria is that these are only polishes that had a 2016 release. These are NOT in any particular order! I must say 2016 was a really good year for nail polish. I remember putting contenders on this list back in January. I actually had to do some narrowing down this year! I will be linking my initial reviews with these polishes in these posts. Let's get started with the first five!

CbL Vegas 2016
Collection: Cosmoprof NA 2016 Exclusive/ September Limited Edition
My Review 

ILNP Chleo
Collection: Fall Neutrals 2016
My Review

KBShimmer Grin And Gerbera It
Collection: Fall 2016
My Review

L.A. Colors Treasure Chest
Collection: Color Craze Dollar Tree 2016
My Review

Wet n' Wild Kiss My Mints
Collection: Spring Into The Wild 2016
My Review

See you tomorrow for Part 2!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 12/18/16-12/25/16

Merry Christmas to all out there who celebrate. I'm glad it's Christmas because per usual I'm mostly over holiday scents. I've melted all I want and care to melt. After fall and holiday melting pretty much September-December, it's time for a change. This is usually the turning point where I like to start melting brighter and cleaner scents, but this past week was mostly all holiday scents. It was a good wax week too!

Mainstays Winter Mittens
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: This smells a lot like a B&BW Mahogany Teakwood or Yankee Candle Midsummer's Night type scent if you're familiar with those. It's a musky, masculine, and woodsy cologne type scent which I do really like. I wish it had some mint in there to brighten it up so it seems a bit more wintery, but I can't really complain about anything else.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5
Where To Buy: Walmart

Butterfly Lane Spearmint Spruce
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: This one was gifted to me and I can't find a scent description. I'd say the name says it all. It is a balance of spearmint and Christmas tree scent. I was worried about a scent like this because those two scent notes are typically really strong on their own and can be overpowering. This wasn't though, it was a softer scent that still had a nice throw but wasn't too much.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5
Where To Buy: Butterfly Lane

Ten Digit Creations Christmas Spirit 
Scent Description: cranberry, bayberry, fir needles, clove
My Thoughts: This scent has a lot of nostalgia for me. It smells like this Christmas tree that used to be at this inn we'd stay at every Christmas vacation in California when I was growing up. It's a very bright, fresh, and slightly sweet Christmas tree scent. The bayberry really comes through in this scent the most to my nose. I wish I could describe it better because it's so nice and unique to other Christmas tree-like scents.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5
Where To Buy: Ten Digit Creations

Ten Digit Creations Baby's Butt (now Rockabye Baby)
Scent Description: baby lotion with notes of baby powder, lavender, and lilac
My Thoughts: This is one of those scents I was for sure I'd never like but decided to give it a try and I regret not trying it before. This scent is the perfect cozy and freshly clean type scent. I've been melting this in my bedroom at night and it is so soothing. I don't like the name, but it does smell like baby products hence the whole soothing thing, NOT a dirty diaper baby's butt scent 😂
Scent Throw: 3.5/5
Where To Buy: Ten Digit Creations

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Heather's Hues Jingle All The Way

How about a Christmas glitter to kick off the Christmas weekend? This one is from Heather's Hues. This is actually a polish I purchased myself not one of the ones I won. I love glittery shades when Christmas comes around. Glitter and Christmas are two peas in a pod. If you're someone who is hesitant about bling, Christmas is the time to not shy away. This glitter isn't shy!

Jingle All The Way (over Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree)

Jingle All The Way (over a silver metallic)
Jingle All The Way is a clear base packed with silver holo glitters, red and green glitters, platinum silver flakes, and a mix of multichrome flakes in red, green, and gold.

Collection: Heather's Hues Holiday 2016

Color: This is jam packed glittery goodness. I love all the glitter elements in this polish and it's definitely over the top but in an amazing way.

Formula: The formula was easy to use and apply. I used 2 coats over a base. You could wear this on its own, but it won't be 100% opaque but close enough.

Price: This mini 7.5ml size is $6.00 while the larger 15ml size is $10 on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is a great Christmas glitter. I love all of the glitter elements, the colors, and the multichrome flakes. This is a blingtastic polish that won't disappoint the glitter fanatics out there. I wish this was just teensy bit more opaque for my liking so I didn't have to layer it. It may be opaque enough for many, though.

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Zoya Courtney

I noticed while perusing my blog this past year that I really did not feature many red polishes. I love red polishes, but you can only get so original with red. I've been nail polish lover since 2008, so I have 8 years under my belt of collection red polish. I think I've just accumulated favorites and didn't really see a need to venture out. The Zoya Black Friday sale did persuade me otherwise because Zoya has a great collection of reds. I picked out this one in my most recent order.

Courtney is a deep red crelly.

Collection: Zoya Urban Grunge Fall 2016

Color: I forgot how much I love deep red shades like this one. This color is so classic and chic I can't get enough. Again, a simple shade that I'm swooning over. I forget how perfectly perfect a classic red or nude can be. This is a winning color!

Formula: The formula on this was good and easy to use. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This is $10 on Zoya's website.

Overall: No, this isn't an original color, but it's stunning. Easy does it sometimes and Courtney proves that point. I love this shade of red. It's perfect for the season and I don't have any complaints!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree

Another brand I shopped during Black Friday was Heather's Hues. I actually only purchased one nail polish and mostly bought wax melts. During her Black Friday sale, she posted there would be 7 random winners of a surprise gift during the sale period. I happened to be one of the winners and was very excited because I received some of the polishes I had my eye on but decided not to purchase during the sale to try and keep my Black Friday spending guilt at bay. This is one of the colors I won.

O' Christmas Tree
O' Christmas Tree is Christmas green sprinkled with iridescent green microflakes and shimmer as well as lime and emerald holo dust and microglitters.

Collection: Heather's Hues Holiday 2016

Color: I don't post a lot of green polishes because it's really not my most favorite color, however, I do love a rich deep green. This is a beautiful traditional shiny Christmas wrapping paper green. At least, that's what it reminds me of most. I love this richness of this green.

Formula: This had a great and easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This mini 7.5ml version which I have is $5.75. There is a larger 15ml version for $9.75 as well on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is beautiful Christmas green shade. I love the shine and shimmer in this polish. It's such a rich and luxurious color.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 12/11/16-12/18/16

It was another good wax week overall. I melted a lot of Ten Digit Creations this week because I know come January they're going to be having a massive sale and discontinuing a number of scents. I want to get some reviews in so some of those scents that will be going away can get some love before their final farewell! 

Ten Digit Creations Baby Powder
Scent Description:  smells just like the real thing 
My Thoughts: Yes, it does. I didn't think I'd be a baby powder smell person, but I really like this scent. It's that clean and soft freshly showered type smell. It's along the lines of a laundry-type scent, but more delicate. This was perfect to melt after cleaning the house.
Scent Throw: 4/5
Where To Buy: Ten Digit Creations

Ten Digit Creations Peppermint Bark
Scent Description: white chocolate, cocoa sprinkles, crushed candy cane, peppermint leaf, vanilla bean, and rich chocolate ganache
My Thoughts: Yum, this scent is amazing!  It's a great balanced blend of peppermint, chocolate, and vanilla. I'm not a candy scent person, but I do love peppermint ones. This smells a lot like a York Peppermint Patty. The throw was amazing on it too. My only complaint isn't with the scent itself, but with my boyfriend who didn't care for it so I couldn't melt it for long 😞.
Scent Throw: 4.5/5
Where To Buy: Ten Digit Creations

Ten Digit Creations Smoky Poppy
Scent Description: captivating blend of sultry spices, elegant florals and earthy woody notes. Sexy and seductive 
My Thoughts: I believe this is a dupe to The Body Shop scent. This scent is hard to describe, the scent description really does it best. It's one of those elegant, rich, and perfume-like floral scents. It's not harsh or overpowering, just feminine and sexy. I really like this scent and this is how I prefer florals. The throw could be a smidge stronger for my tastes. This scent would be great in bath and body products.
Scent Throw: 3/5
Where To Buy: Ten Digit Creations

Wilma's Exotic Teak
Scent Description: A complex and clean fragrance. Teak with hints of patchouli, sandalwood, and tobacco.
My Thoughts: This is one of those clean and high-end type scents if that makes sense. It has some great elements to it that make it sophisticated rather than just straight clean. I'm not the biggest fan of sandalwood or tobacco, but the way this is blended with patchouli I really like it. It's a nice balance without one particular note being too harsh. The throw could be stronger, though.
Scent Throw: 2.5/5
Where To Buy: Wilma's Shop

Happy Sunday! 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Zoya Olivera

Zoya holiday collections tend to be let downs for me. I'm not into Pixie Dusts and usually, the other shades don't entice me either. This was pretty much this case this year except for one shade. If you're into polish I'm sure you know which shade I'm talking about. If not, you'll soon find out!

Olivera is an indigo base with and intense green shifty shimmer.

Collection: Zoya Enchanted Holiday 2016

Color: This is fantastic. I love to see a mainstream brand dabbling into shimmer and duochrome territory. I haven't seen that in awhile. This color is so pigmented and rich. You can see some green-purple shifts in the bottle, but I didn't find that translated on the nail. That's NO problem to me because even without that it's a stunning color.

Formula: This is where this shocked me. This was a one-coater. I am floored. I've never had a Zoya polish much less a shimmery polish like this be a one-coater. The formula was surprisingly excellent.

Price: This is $10 on Zoya's website.

Overall: This is all kinds of win from the color to the formula. This is one of the best polishes I've come across this year which means I'm sure you'll be spotting it on a list of mine very soon 😉. You need this polish. Need I say more?

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!