
Friday, December 23, 2016

Heather's Hues Jingle All The Way

How about a Christmas glitter to kick off the Christmas weekend? This one is from Heather's Hues. This is actually a polish I purchased myself not one of the ones I won. I love glittery shades when Christmas comes around. Glitter and Christmas are two peas in a pod. If you're someone who is hesitant about bling, Christmas is the time to not shy away. This glitter isn't shy!

Jingle All The Way (over Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree)

Jingle All The Way (over a silver metallic)
Jingle All The Way is a clear base packed with silver holo glitters, red and green glitters, platinum silver flakes, and a mix of multichrome flakes in red, green, and gold.

Collection: Heather's Hues Holiday 2016

Color: This is jam packed glittery goodness. I love all the glitter elements in this polish and it's definitely over the top but in an amazing way.

Formula: The formula was easy to use and apply. I used 2 coats over a base. You could wear this on its own, but it won't be 100% opaque but close enough.

Price: This mini 7.5ml size is $6.00 while the larger 15ml size is $10 on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is a great Christmas glitter. I love all of the glitter elements, the colors, and the multichrome flakes. This is a blingtastic polish that won't disappoint the glitter fanatics out there. I wish this was just teensy bit more opaque for my liking so I didn't have to layer it. It may be opaque enough for many, though.

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

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