
Monday, December 12, 2016

Zoya Marnie

I took advantage of Zoya's 70% off Black Friday sale and recently received my order. You'll probably be seeing a handful of Zoya posts this week and next! When I was building a shopping list with Zoya I had to look into their nudes and neutral territory because I'm still into those colors. This color caught my eye and it's very different from other neutral tones I own.

Marnie is a muted warm plum creme.

Collection: Zoya Naturel 2 Collection 2014

Color: This a deep shade for a neutral tone which makes it unique to my collection. I really love this color. It's rich while being soft at the same time. It's a very wearable color that would go with everything and give you a clean look.

Formula: This had a great easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This is $10 on the Zoya website.

Overall: I'm in love with this color. It's sometimes those simple colors these days that make me swoon. It's a great everyday shade I don't see how you could go wrong with. I don't have much else to add other than I'm happy I purchased it!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

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