
Monday, January 16, 2017

O-My Jewels Patience

* I received the following polish in exchange for my honest review.

I have another polish from the new to me brand O-My Jewels to share with you today. You know what I've noticed lately outside of my nude and neutrals obsession? I think I'm backing off a bit on glitter. I know, I know. Glitter is one of the reasons I fell in love with polish in the first place, but lately, I've been gravitating toward cremes. I'm really into clean and simple nails/nail color these days. This O-My Jewels color fits the bill.

Patience is a neutral gray creme.

Color: Gray can sometimes be a tricky color for me. If it's too warm toned it doesn't look great on me, but this one is nice. It's really a true neutral tone it's not warm or cool it's right in between. I love this medium shade of great too because not only is it neutral it's not too dark or too light!

Formula: This had an excellent 2 coat formula:

Price: This is $7.25 on O-My Jewels website.

Overall: There isn't much to add to this color. It's a great shade with an equally great formula. You can't really go wrong with a color like this one.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

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