
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Powder Perfect Ra

I have a Powder Perfect polish to share with you today. I was first introduced to this brand at Cosmprof last year and I really enjoyed the brand. During the holiday season, I added a few to my wishlist for one of gift exchange. This was gifted to me during that gift exchanged and I'm still impressed with the brand.

Ra is a silver based holo-twist lacquer with a golden hue.

Collection: Powder Perfect Egyptology Collection 2016

Color: This is a beautiful take on a silver holo. Silver holo polishes are a dime a dozen, so they really have to catch my eye these days. I love how these has that touch of gold to it. That hint of gold warms the color up just a bit so it reads like a nude on my nails. It's not too warm or too cool. You know how I'm into nude/neutrals these days!

Formula: This had an excellent formula that was easy to apply. I used 2 coats above with topcoat.

Price: This is $13 on Powder Perfect's site.

Overall: This is a great holo/glitter shade. It's soft and subtle type shade while still having a bit of pop to it with the bling. The formula is great and I don't have any complaints!

My Rating. 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday!

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