
Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sinful Colors So Daupe + Chit Chat

I find myself more and more drawn to the drugstore and mainstream polishes these days. That's the opposite of what everyone else I know into nail polish is drawn to. I'm in the process of putting all of my energy into a new career path which has a blogging aspect (are you following The Fulfilled Feline?). I don't really have the time or energy anymore to be on top of the indie world, it was hard enough in the first place! I have the desire to simplify my nail polish hobby.

I find myself lately going back to my original nail polish roots and enjoying shopping the drugstore for nail polish. That's how I fell in love with polish was through leisurely shopping trips to the drugstore or Ulta. It was stress-free and easy going. I need more of that now especially as I put a majority of my energy into something else. Nail polish needs to be a 100% leisurely outlet for me at this time in my life. That doesn't mean I'll never post an indie again. If I see some that strike my fancy, of course, I'm game and I know I'll never go off KBShimmer. Right now, I really just want to enjoy nail polish at my pace and work it around my life which means I'll probably be posting more mainstreams and drugstore polishes.

Thankfully, I'm really into what mainstreams and drugstores are producing these days. It's very limited in the drugstore, but Sinful Colors has been great at putting out new colors on a seasonal basis. I came across this early 2017 release the other day and I needed it. It's a neutral, of course, I needed it. I love neutrals!

So Daupe

So Daupe is a soft grayish-brownish-purplish creme.

Collection: Sinful Colors Core 2017

Color: You know I love colors like this and I think it's the first time in my nail polish history that I really stuck to a color family for so long. I'm probably wearing a color like this a few times a month and have been for several months. A color like this is so clean and chic and I love how it goes with everything.

Formula: This had a nice and easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This was $1.99 at Walgreens.

Overall: This is a great everyday elegant taupe-y shade. It's so wearable and I think it would be flattering on a variety of skin tones. The formula is great and you can't beat that $1.99 price!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!

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