Showing posts with label Butter London. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Butter London. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Third Week Throwbacks: Butter London Two Fingered Salute

Since I failed at blogging most of the week how about a Saturday post? I've been really digging neutrals since the beginning of the year. That's all I've been wearing to be honest is nudes, taupes, and muted colors. I can't get enough! I've been revisiting a lot of neutrals I haven't used in awhile including this Butter London.

Two Fingered Salute
Two Fingered Salute is a dusty mint creme with rose gold and copper micro glitter.

Collection: Butter London Holiday Nordstrom Exclusive 2012

Color: I love it when I can say 4 years later this color is absolutely unique and original. This is definitely one of the most unique mainstream/high end polishes I own. I love the dusty mint green because it's chic and since it's so dusty it reads as a neutral. The real star of this though is that microglitter the green paired with the copper is gorgeous and gives off this unique antique finish.

Formula: The formula on this was easy to apply and smooth. I used 2 coats above.

Price: While this was a Nordstrom exclusive when it came out, it is listed on Butter London's website but isn't currently available. I'm not sure if it will come back or not.

Overall: Two Fingered Salute is a beautiful color and well worth the high end price tag. It's a unique and sophisticated shade that I love! Look at that copper glitter!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Saturday!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

butter LONDON Fishwife

Butter London and I used to not get along well. I should say my nails didn't get along well with their polish. I tried their own base coat and top coat, no luck. At that time I was using Seche Vite top coat and that didn't work out either. It was chip central within a day with Butter London. I really think it was a body chemistry thing with me. As a result, I pretty much swore off the brand for 2 years.

Thankfully, either my body chemistry changed, their formula changed, or my new base coat top coat combo started working, and I can now successfully wear them again. This is a blessing and a curse. As we know Butter London isn't the most affordable polish on the market, but the shades they release are the bomb. I particularly like this next one.

Fishwife is a soft turquiose and sage scattered holo.

Color: This is the type of holo I love for fall. This is soft, subtle, and muted. I actually think this almost reads as neutral and can be very wearable. The holographic effect is not strong at, but I actually prefer it this way. Lovely is the perfect word for Fishwife.

Formula: The formula on this is average to below average. I did not have trouble applying this, but it is sheer and patchy on the first 2 coats. I used 3 coats in the swatch above, and I'm happy with that result. I do expect a more opaque and stronger formula for polish in this price range though.

Price: This is $15.00. I purchased it on the butter LONDON website

Overall: I really adore this color. I don't have a color like this in my collection. The formula is a downer, but the color wins me over. It has its flaws, but overall I'm pleased. 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Glitter Bombing Layering Birthday Fun!

Today is my 26th birthday. That is kind of scary. I actually don't mind getting older, but how fast time goes by these days is scary. I remember being little and a year felt like the equivalent of what 4 years feels like now. A year now feels like the equivalent of 6 months. Does that make any sense? I haven't even had any birthday drinks yet, and I'm blabbering away!

As I said I don't mind getting older. The older I get the more I am coming into my own. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my skin, and the things in life that used to terrify me don't bother me as much. So, I can't complain. I'm sure there so many people in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and so forth who want to slap people in their 20's for complaining about getting old. Puh-lease. 20's is not old!

Here is my birthday mani!

This was a layering experiment. It is 1 coat Orly Androgynie, 2 coats Butter London The Black Knight, 1 coat Rainbow Honey The Worst Possible Thing, and finally 1 coat of Hits Phenomena Afterglow.

This is so awesome! I need to layer glitters more, you can really come up with some neat results!

I don't have really any big birthday plans. I think a nice dinner, cake, and some shopping will be in the cards. My boyfriend has made it a tradition every year to bake me a cake. He's not a baker or anything, but they're always delicious and it's sweet of him to do it.

Yay! Happy Birthday to me! I normally wouldn't be all like "yay me!" and stuff, but it's my birthday I give myself permission to be a little selfish. It's allowed on your birthday...right? :P

Happy Thursday!

Monday, January 23, 2012

butter LONDON Nail Foundation Base Coat & Hardwear Top Coat Review

This is the review I've dreaded writing. A few months ago I gave a poor review of butter LONDON Artful Dodger. I had chipping problems within a day with this polish. After I posted that review, someone from butter LONDON was kind enough to write me and offered to send me their Nail Foundation base coat and Hardwear top coat to try with Artful Dodger. They felt that with their brand specific top coat and base coat I would have better luck. The problem is I did not.

I have held on to this base coat and top coat for almost 3 months, and I've tried it 2 times with Artful Dodger. I've tried it wither various other nail polishes, and have not had favorable results. I've hesitated posting this, in hopes maybe with another test run I can get the results I want. This did not happen. I feel terrible about it too, since these products are not cheap and they sent them for me to review. I have to be honest with you all though. That is what is most important. 

Here are the two treatments.

I will say that I do like the base coat in the sense that is not clear. It mattifies the nail and gives your nail a smooth even appearance. I noticed myself using less coats of polish when I used this base coat. The issue I have is I did not notice this either using it on its own with a different top coat or using it with the butter LONDON top coat to have any longer wear time usual. I tried this with the butter LONDON polish and with  other polish brands and experienced similar chipping issues. 

The top coat, is a quick dry, but is definitely less quick drying than other top coats I've used. I did not find it alone used with a different base coat or used with the butter LONDON base coat to have any longer wear time either. The same be said for when it was used with other polishes brands other than butter LONDON. 

Here is a picture of me wearing Artful Dodger using the butter LONDON top coat and base coat immediately after a doing my nails

This is two days later

Tip wear and a huge chunk out of my pinky.

On my other hand I used my typical top coat Poshe and base coat of Gelous. This is right after doing my nails.

This is 2 days later

Similar results as with the butter LONDON top coat and base coat.  Chips and tip wear.

What can I say? This was my second test run, and probably my 10th time using them individually or together on different brands of polish. This did not work for me. I'd expect for a brand polish that is $14 that I can get more than 2 days of wear on it. I'd especially assume that the base coat and top coat being $18 each I'd get superior wear than I would with any other top coat and base coat. 

It can very well be that butter LONDON and me just do not mix well. It wasn't meant to be! I love their color selection. I think they are a creative and sophisticated brand, but this chipping issue is frustrating. I do appreciate them offering to let me try these products. If you have had chipping issues with butter LONDON I do not think their base coat or top coat will solve your problems. Save your money! I'm sorry this did not work out for me because I had high hopes. I'm sorry for the lengthy review too. 

*These products were sent to me for review by butter LONDON

Happy Monday!

Friday, November 4, 2011

butter LONDON Artful Dodger

Butter London has definitely become my guilty pleasure polish. It is a brand that really is out of my price range, but I keep going back. I really love their color selection. Butter London has some type of hold over me. I do have a problem with Butter London though...for every few amazing near perfect polishes they put out there is one that comes out that just fails. I don't mean it fails color wise it fails formula wise. This is the story of Artful Dodger.

Artful Dodger

Artful Dodger is a dusty aqua-blue creme.

This is great shade that is super shiny and glossy looking. The problem with this is chipped within 24 hours for me. I don't mean small chips. These were massive chips. I put it on one night, and the next morning I got in the shower and I came out with huge ugly chips on my nails. I redid my nails again, and within hours chip central.

Sure, I could chalk it up to the shower. I could also say, maybe my base coat and top coat didn't work well with this polish. These are excuses I would be comfortable with if I paid $3-$8 for a polish. These are not acceptable acceptable excuses for a $14 polish. I should not have to adjust my life or my nail polish routine for a $14 polish to work. It's really annoying and it ticks me off. I've had problems with other Butter London polishes like No More Waity, Kaite and Big Smoke...

...Yet, I keep going back for more. I'm brainwashed by Butter London! Nah, it's just hard to completely write them off when some of their polishes have amazing formulation. Butter London Wallis I wore for a whole week and by day 8 I just had a tiny chip. It's frustrating, because I love the brand, but it irritates me as well. A polish that expensive should not have issues!

Butter London get it right!

Happy Friday!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Butter London No More Waity, Katie

Today, I have for you a fairly popular Butter London color. I love the name of this. I wasn't heavily into the Royal Wedding, but I admit I watched it. I loved the wedding, the dresses, and everything. I do like this polish color, but I don't think it lives up to the grandeur of it's namesake.

No More Waity, Katie

No More Waity, Katie is a gray-toned deep purple jelly with lavender glitter.

I really like the concept of this polish. The problem with this one is the formulation. The jelly-like base on this is thick and clumpy. The polish goes on goopy and streaky. Plus, the pigmentation in the base color isn't very strong so your nail can show through. This is like trying to spread molasses on your nails. This was after applying thinner to it. It still was a mess. This could of been a winner if the base of the polish wasn't so sheer and goopy.  On a positive note, the color and finish is clearly unique and beautiful.

Would I recommend it? I like having it, perhaps that is due partially to me being an Anglophile. It's really up to the person. If you like the color you it may be worth the fuss to you if not, don't bother. :P

Happy Friday!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: $10+/High End Edition

This week's bottle spam consists of polishes that I have that were $10 or more in price or high end brands. I have a lot more than I thought. I must say this category definitely has some of my all time favorite polishes in it.

Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam!

 a england Lady of the Lake, Merlin & Perceval

 Iseult, Tristam, & Avalon

 Butter London Wallis, Knees Up, & Bluey

 No More Waity Katie, Victoriana, & Big Smoke

 Nfo-oh #52, #51, & #61 (sadly a dud)

 Illamasqua Jo'mina, Phallic, & YSL Wintergreen

 RBL Under the Stars, MAC Bad Fairy, & Chanel Peridot

 Deborah Lippmann Razzle Dazzle, Across the Universe, & Glitter in the Air

 Cult Nails Iconic, Crusin' Nude, Enigmatic, Let Me Fly, & Hypnotize Me

Devious Nature, Captivated, My Kind of Cool-Aid, Quench, & Living Water

Happy Saturday!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Butter London Wallis

I'm sure you're wondering why I'm reviewing Butter London again, since I pretty much wrote them off after Big Smoke. On my birthday, I was at Nordstrom, and I saw the Butter London display, and that is when I saw Wallis. This color was stunning, and I couldn't pass it up!

Wallis is a olive-gold shimmer-foil.

This is stunning! The shimmer in this is beautiful. This color is very rich, and I found the formula on this good. Butter London has definitely revived themselves with this shade. I'm going to throw it out there, this is a must have. This is similar to Chanel Peridot in that is a yellow-gold, but the shimmer in this is much more compact and there is no multi-chrome. Plus, this is darker and richer. That being said, I prefer Wallis, hands down.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Butter London Big Smoke

 **Remember to check out my blog sale!**

There are a few times I am swayed to try a higher end brand. I think I own around 7 polishes out of the 700+ polishes I own that are over $10. I think the scary part of that is not the 7, but the 700. Lol. To be quite honest,  anytime I've paid over $10 for a nail polish I've been impressed. I never felt the polishes I spent more on were not worth the extra dough. I had heard and seen great things about Butter London, so I decided to give the a try. Will they impress me like other high end brands have?

Big Smoke

Big Smoke is a denim smoky blue shimmer.

I have to be honest here, this is the first high end polish to disappoint me. The color is beautiful, that is undeniable. Where this falls flat is the formula. I didn't find the formula terrible, but it wasn't great either. The formula wasn't any better than any other polish I own in the $4-$8 range. As great of a color it is, it isn't entirely unique (as in Deborah Lippman ATU/OPI DS Glamour/Nfu-Oh #51 unique), and with an average formula to match, it makes this a disappointing buy.

If I'm paying $14, I am certainly expecting to notice an improvement in formula and application from the usual nail polishes I apply. Even with polishes that are on the higher end of my comfortable price range for polish purchases like BB Couture and Cult Nails, have a noticeably better formula than the less expensive brands. This formula is not as good as those brands which are in the $10 range.  Perhaps, this color is just a fluke? I am doubtful I'll be purchasing this brand again, unless they create some super spectacular unique holy grail color that would negate any formula issues. Big Smoke isn't that spectacular for me to dismiss those issues.

Happy Wednesday!