Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color Club. Show all posts

Friday, December 25, 2015

HPB Presents: A Holiday Manicure

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate out there! I hope you all are having a nice holiday. I have a holiday themed manicure for you today for our HPB monthly link-up post this month. One of my favorite polishes this holiday season has been Noodles Nail Polish Peppermint Twist, so I decided to do a mani based off of that polish.

Polishes Used: KBShimmer Chilly Pepper, Color Club Blue-Ming, China Glaze Break the Ice, and Noodles Nail Polish Peppermint Twist.

This is a pretty nontraditional color palette for me for the holidays. I love adding the mint in there with the Christmas red and white, it's a different fun twist. I love the contrast in colors with this mani and it stands out.

Check out my HPB friends manis below! 


    An InLinkz Link-up

Merry Christmas!

Monday, November 9, 2015

Color Club Favorite Flannel

*The following product was received in exchange for my honest review. 

More Cosmoprof polishes to share with you today. I received this one from the Color Club booth and it is part of their current fall Cabin Fever collection. I actually like this collection as it does offer something different than other mainstreams this season. This collection has a lot of muted cremes. This is a trend that hasn't been around lately and a trend I really like. I previous reviewed Take A Hike. I have Favorite Flannel to show you today.

Favorite Flannel
Favorite Flannel is a muted coral creme.

Collection: Color Club Cabin Fever Fall 2015

Color: This is not a color you'd really think of when you think of fall. Coral is much more of a spring and summer color, but this shade has that dustiness to it that subdues the color. I like it, it's definitely one of those colors you could comfortable wear in fall without it being too obvious, but still fitting in. Does that make sense?

Formula: This had a really nice formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This is $8.50 on the Color Club site, but I'd also check e-tailers, Amazon, or eBay for a better deal.

Overall: I like Favorite Flannel, it's a nice departure from your traditional fall colors. I tend to gravitate toward traditional seasonal colors, but I'd make an exception for this one. It's a nice color and the formula is on point.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Color Club Take a Hike

*This product was provided in exchange for my honest review.

I have been craving dusty colors this fall. The dusty polish trend had its hay day back in 2011-2012. I wasn't really into it then, but I am in 2015. I'm always behind the times or ahead of them, never with them. When I was at Cosmoprof this summer I stopped by the Color Club booth who kindly gave me some samples of their fall Cabin Fever collection. This collection featured a handful of neutral, muted, and dusty cremes. I fell in love with this one immediately.

Take a Hike
Take a Hike is a dusty denim creme.

Collection: Color Club Cabin Fever Fall 2015

Color: It can be hard to be innovative with cremes these days. Cremes rarely wow me anymore in regards to color. This blue, however, is pretty special. I love the muted softness with this blue. I can't say it's 100% unique, but it's definitely a nice variation from your standard blackened blues or navy blues this season.

Formula: This had a good formula. It was easy to apply. I used 2 coats.

Price: This is $8.50 on the Color Club website.

Overall: I love Take A Hike. The color is great it's different than your typical fall blue I'm used to seeing lately. The formula is nice. This is a winning creme for me in formula and in color.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

HPB Presents: August Neon Mani

It's time for another Hobby Polish Bloggers blog link-up. The theme for August was neon. I'm thankful, I can do neon, doesn't require me to figure out nail art! I had fun time picking out colors for this mani. It also made me realize I'm low on neons. Low, as in I maybe only have 15, which would be plenty for most people, but I feel like I need more. I know I'm insane. Here is what I came up with!

Polishes Used: Orly Hot Tropics, Color Club Warhol, LeChat Honeydew, and KBShimmer Sun & Games.

Check out my fellow HPB members manis below!


    An InLinkz Link-up

Happy Saturday!

Friday, May 8, 2015

Color Club Peace, Love, and Polish

Break out the bright colors. As far as I'm concerned it's summer. It's been summer since March here in Florida. We typically can have some pleasantly mild temperatures at least through mid April, but not there year. It was hot starting in March. I won't lie, I despise the Florida heat and humidity. It's the only thing I hate about where I live, and I go out of my way to avoid being outside if possible. It's all about the air conditioning! Weather tends to dictate my color choices for me, so brights it is! This is a recent Color Club neon I picked up.

Peace, Love, and Polish
 Peace, Love, and Polish is a neon warm-toned pink with a golden shimmer.

Collection: Color Club Poptastic Collection Summer 2014

Color: This is what I'm talking about. Neons with shimmer is where it's at for me this year. I love neons, but I want some variation. I've been collection nail polish since 2008. I have plenty of neon cremes, break out the shimma! This is a beautiful warm almost coral toned pink. The shimmer in this is brilliant. It really enhances the look of the color is has the right amount of punch.

Formula: The formula on this was really nice. I did not have any issues with it at all, and it applied easily. I wish I could say the same for other Color Club neon formulas. I used 2 coats above.

Price: I paid $3.50 for this on Head2ToeBeauty.

Overall: This is going to definitely be a summer staple polish for me this year. I think this maybe my next pedicure color. I love the vibrancy of this neon shade and that golden shimmer just makes this polish for me. This is a winning nail polish!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Color Club Age of Aquarius

"When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars , then peace will guide the planets Aand love will steer the stars"

I'm doing so many manicures and reviewing polishes lately that get songs in my head! I'll never forget a nail polish if it reminds of a song. I spotted this bright Color Club in my recent Head2ToeBeauty haul.

"This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius The Age of Aquarius Aquarius! Aquarius!"

Age of Aquarius 
Age of Aquarius is a neon mint-aqua green creme.

Collection: Color Club Poptastic Collection

Color: This is a spectacular color. This is insanely bright too. I would most definitely consider this a neon even though it isn't a traditional neon color. I love the vibrancy of Age of Aquarius and I love that it's a minty green! Mint and neon is an amazing combination.

Formula: I so so so wish I could say this formula was as spectacular as the color. Sadly, it's not. I found this color to be thick, chalky, and did not apply evenly. This isn't the worst formula I've ever used, but it was pretty bad -sad face-.

Price: I paid $3.25 for this on Head2ToeBeauty.

Overall: The color is just that amazing. The vibrancy of this shade is killer, it is unlike any other bright mint-aqua colors in my collection. The formula is a major let down for me, but the color *almost* negates that. I know neons/pastel neons can have better formulas than this, I've seen it done with indies. I expect better, but I've been put under Age of Aquarius' spell a bit.

My Rating: 3 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 13, 2015

Color Club Poptastic Pastel Neon Remix Collection (Glow in the Dark)

I don't often have entire collections to share with you all, but I do today. I glanced by this collection on Head2ToeBeauty about 2 weeks ago and I was very intrigued. I understand the repetition we get in seasonal collections. Spring=Pastels, Summer=Neons/Brights, Fall=Vamps, and etc. I like these types of colors enough, but I'm always wanting something extra. I want to see these types of seasonal colors amplified.

This is what I saw with this Color Club collection. They took pastel neons and made them into jelly glitters and glow in the dark. Thank you! I bought this blind without seeing swatches or anything, so it was a bit of a gamble, but I'm pleased!

This is going to be a rather extended review. I really want to give you the best review possible, since I see very few reviews of these so far from bloggers.

Boogie All Night

 Boogie All Night is a soft bubble gum pink jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

Call Of The Disco Ball
Call of the Disco Ball is a peachy-creamy orange jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

Soul Sister
Soul Sister is a soft marigold yellow jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

It's Electric!
It's Electric! is a pale neon yellow jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

On The Flip Side
On The Flip Side is a pale spring green jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

Get Down Tonight
Get Down Tonight is a soft sky blue jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

Feel The Funk
Feel the Funk is a soft lilac jelly packed with iridescent glitter. (3 coats)

Glow the Dark:
Mind you, I've never photographed glow in the dark polishes. In all honesty, I do not have the right camera or skills to capture these decently, but I have put together a collage of what I could capture to the best of my ability. I used my phone for these photos.
Collection: Color Club Poptastic Pastel Neon Remix Spring/Summer 2015

Color: When I got this I hoped they would be opaque. These can be paired with the Color Club Pastel Neon collection which are just cremes. I do not own those. I didn't want to layer these because I feel you would get virtually the same result by just adding a coat of one of those thousands of iridescent glitter toppers out there by doing that. I've never seen pastel jelly glitters, and I wanted them to be exactly that! These do achieve opacity easily (mostly) in three coats. Yes, these colors are pale and soft, but they are definitely opaque! My only concern would be if you have long nails or if your nails are stained, you may need a 4th coat.

Glow in the Dark Effect: These definitely glow brightly, after I put them under the light. The glow doesn't last long,but it is a cool effect. When I photographed the bottles by themselves the glow color did someone coordinate to the color in the bottle not glowing. When I added my fingers to the pictures my camera went funky and all the glow colors looked relatively similar. In person I noticed a difference which did not pick up on camera well for me.

Formula: These formulas are thick, but workable. I found 5 out of the 7 polishes to be easy to decent to work with. These were not the perfect formula, but they were decent to good. I'm the most impatient with formulas and these didn't bother me.  The blue-Get Down Tonight and neon yellow-It's Electric had the trickiest formula.. These two were clumpy, patchy, and pooled really thick on certain spots on my nail. I think you maybe able to remedy this with some nail polish thinner, but these 2 formulas wise were a pain in the butt.

Price: I purchased these for $3.50 each on Head2ToeBeauty.

Overall: I am so excited and impressed with this collection. I love that this offers something totally different in the mainstream market. I'm over the moon these are opaque too, and I really love the soft look of these colors. They're not perfect though. The formulas are not ideal, but far from bad or not manageable outside of 2 colors. You can absolutely layer these too, and I'm sure they'd look beautiful. I just really wanted to be able to wear these on their own! This is the type of collection that makes me get excited about nail polish all over again.

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Color Club A Warm Place

You would think with close to 1,200 bottles of nail polish I would have everything? I have some holes in my collection, and that becomes blatantly apparent when I realize I need a particular type of color and can't find a single polish like it in my stash.

A few months ago I decided I needed a fall, slightly warm, pinky, cherry, red creme. Yes, this is very specific. I have a lot of true reds, orange-reds, red-violets, but I don't have any pinky-reds. No, they're not all the same!!! Thankfully, Color Club came in and took care of my fall, slight warm, pinky ,cherry, red creme issue.

Color Club A Warm Place
A Warm Place is a pink toned red medium creme.

Color: This is a pretty standard nail polish color, which is crazy why I didn't have something like it! This is a very wearable color. You can wear this in any season. I'know it's not original, but it fit my needs!

Formula: Good formula and easy to work with.

Price:  I think I got this for around $3-$4 at The Christmas Tree Store.

Overall: Nice, classic, affordable, and standard nail polish color.

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Tuesday! 

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Silvery Mani w/ Two Silvery Accents

*Have you entered my Cult Nails Road Trip, Anyone? giveaway yet? Giveaway ends on Friday night!

I've been admiring lots of manis lately featuring multiple accent nails. I then read in the most recent issue of Nail It! magazine that two accent manicures are on the list for 2013 fall trends. I always wanted to try this, but wondered if it would look funky on me. I decided to give it go and this was my result.

I really like this! I wasn't really sure to place my accent colors, but I ended up choosing the middle and ring fingers. I honestly think it doesn't matter where they go as long as you like it!

These are the polishes I used:

L-R: Revlon Aloof, Color Club Orna-minted, and Zoya Trixie

I painted my thumb, pointer, and pinky with Aloof, my middle finger with Trixie, and my ringer finger with Trixie topped with Orna-minted.

Revlon Aloof actually inspired this mani. This color was part of the Limited Edition Revlon Edgy Elegance 2011 collection. I actually found this at K-Mart yesterday in the clearance bin for $1! It's so hard to describe this color, I'd say it's a white with an intense silvery shimmer. This polish is probably HTF now, but I'd check Big Lots. I've seen some of this collection in those $2 Revlon Packs. I think I just got lucky at K-Mart.

Anywho, I'm glad I tried this, and it's something I'll definitely be doing more in the future!

How do you feel about multiple accent nails?

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Color Club Port-folio

Have you ever continuously called a nail polish by the wrong name? Let's say you just assumed it was called something because you didn't bother to fully read the name? Ever happen to you?

This happened to me with Color Club Port-folio. I guess I just saw the "Port" part and started calling it "Porto-fino". I don't know why that caught on for me. I live in Orlando, and Universal has a resort hotel Portofino, so I just stuck with that. I don't think I bothered even looking at the name until I purchased the color (months after the release) and then felt like an idiot. I'm sure I called this polish "Porto-fino" to a bunch of people who thought I was strange..especially since this came in the Fall 2012 In True Fashion collection...and Portofino a small Italian fashion village, has no relation to fashion. Oh well! I digress.

Port-folio (there I got it right!)
Port-folio is a blue-toned purple with an intense green/aqua duochrome shimmer.

Color: Awesome possum! This color is intense, pigmented, and the duochrome shimmer absolutely pops! I've heard comparisons to Zoya Adina (I don't own it), but based on swatches of seen Port-folio is so much richer in color.

Formula: The formula on this was very good. I was worried it would be sheer, but it wasn't at all. I used 3 coats for the swatch above.

Price: I paid $5.50 for this on Amazon.

Overall: Love this one, despite my name confusion! This is one of those stand out polishes for sure. I can't see anyone really going wrong with this one.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Color Club Blue-Ming

A few weeks ago this picture from was circulating Pinterest and some Facebook groups. There were a lot of people asking what color nail polish the person in the picture was wearing. I completely understood. The polish in the picture looked awesome! What I also knew is that color nail polish in the picture was photoshopped. I mean, who has neon yellow cuticles? As it turns out, it was photoshopped, and in the original picture (Sorry, I can't find it now) the polish was yellow. However, this didn't stop me from trying to find a dupe to the photoshopped polish color.

There was something clearly unique about this color. It was a lot brighter and more blue than many of countless minty aqua greens out there. I scoured my stash and the internet, and  that's when I came across Color Club Blue-Ming from the Spring 2012 Blossoming collection. I didn't think it was an exact dupe, but as close as it was going to get!

Color Club Blue-Ming
Blue-Ming is a bright pastel aqua creme.

Color: This is unique. I know it doesn't seem like it, but it is. Check out this comparison over at Caitt's Nails. In my own stash, Blue-Ming stood out as clearly lighter and more blue than my other colors in this family. Blue-Ming wasn't even close to any of the other colors I had like it.

Formula: This is where this one fails on me. It's streaky and hard to apply. It's far from the worst formula ever, but it's definitely not good. I managed to get it to work out ok, but still...meh.

Price: I got this one ebay for around $4. I know the retail price is slightly higher.

Overall: I adore this color. It is unique, bright, and perfect for summer. The formula is not good, but for a color like this I can make a bit of an exception.

My Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Monday!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Holy Bananas...I Water Marbled!

Yes, it's true. You all know I'm not a nail art person. I love nail art, but my skills and patience are lacking. Water marbling has been around for ages in nail polish world, but I never considered attempting it because I figured it would be a complete fail. I've been watching nail art videos on Youtube lately just for fun, and came across cutepolish's water marble tutorial. I don't know what came over me, but I had the urge to try water marbling!

I decided to start off small and try it on a accent nail, and this was my result.

I painted my nails using China Glaze Purple Panic, and I painted my accent nail with 2 coats of Milani White On the Spot. I used for the water marble China Glaze Purple Panic, Milani Yellow Whiz, Color Club Wham! Pow!, and Milani White On the Spot.

This isn't the perfect water marble pattern, but I'm actually impressed that I even tried this! This took a few attempts, but it wasn't a daunting process. I actually found the process fun even if it didn't work out!  I think it came out cool, and it's something I could definitely see myself trying again.

I think the 2 main things that are important about water marbling I learned are...

1. Water temperature- The water has to be room temperature. The water cannot be too cool or too warm or the polish will not spread properly.

2. Work fast- That's the most difficult thing I found with water marbling. You HAVE to work quickly or the polish will dry on you before you can make your design!

Overall, I really had fun trying this even though it's not perfect and it took a couple tries! I know many people have avoided trying this technique, but I really encourage you to try it. If you all know me I don't have a lot of patience for nail art, so if I can try, you definitely can! I recommend just starting with wearing it as an accent naill. I think you will have a lot more fun than you thought!  I'm definitely going to keep working on water marbling in the future.

There are tons of tutorials out there, but I really liked the one by cutepolish if you're interested.

Happy Thursday!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Color Club All That Razz

I came across this Color Club color at Bed Bath & Beyond. I had been wanting a hot pink-purple color for awhile, but I could never find exactly what I was looking for. The colors I would come across would either be too pink or too purple. When I found All That Razz it was just right!

All That Razz

All That Razz is a bright neon magenta creme.

This color is an "it" color for me. I don't like to sound boastful in my posts at all, but there are some colors that just compliment you so well. All That Razz is one of those colors for me. It's like when the Prince slipped the glass slipper on Cinderella. Lol, I know that's a bit much, but I'm really giddy on how great this color is!  If you think of Zoya Charisma and Color Club Warhol this color is right in between those. It is prominently pink with just a touch of purple. This color is bright, cheerful, and was a dream to apply. I am in love. ♥

What nail polishes give you a Cinderella moment because they just suit you so well? 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Color Club Foiled Collection

 I do not have all of these, but these are the ones I have. 

I tend to love foils, but I was sorely disappointed with the Color Club foils. There really isn't anything wrong with them. They just don't pop to me I suppose. They seem kind of flat. I really like those multidimensional foils like the ones in the Zoya Flame/Fire & Ice collection, where they have different colors of foil-like glitter mixed in, the colors are richer, and the texture is more glittery. These are just flat. Blah, I'm so disappointed!

Foil Me Once
Foil Me Once is a light pink foil.

Hot Like Lava

Hot Like Lava is a magenta foil.

Cold Metal
Cold Metal is a rich blue foil.

For the full collection, I suggest visiting Scrangie's page. Cold Metal is the winner of these three, but I still don't even like that one. I guess I just really like those really glittery foils. These are more metallic than glittery. These just seems so stark? I don't know. I know you all probably think I'm nuts. I just really dislike these a lot. I don't know how else to describe it. Icky poo.

Happy Thursday!