Showing posts with label Essence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essence. Show all posts

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Essence Pool Party

I want to preface this by saying that I don't think you can find this polish anymore. I know, disappointing. It has been discontinued. I love this one so much I had to revisit it it. I hope that some of you who have been in the nail polish game for awhile still have this one in your stash. This is one is my favorite Essence polish!

Pool Party
Pool Party is a bright medium blue with an intense silvery glass fleck glitter.

Collection: Essence Colour & Go 2010-2012(?)

Color: Out of all the blues I own in my vast nail polish collection, I do not own one like this. The glass fleck glitter in this is beautiful, and it makes me long for more polishes like this now. This color lives up to it's namesake, this is the perfect swimming pool color. Awesome color!

Formula: When I first bought this back in 2010, I found the formula to be a little sheerer than expected. I also had significantly longer nails had VNL (visible nail line) with this after 3 coats. I used 2 coats here, and didn't find it to be sheer at all. Did the formula thicken up over 4 years or is it just because my nails are shorter? I'm not sure. That being said, sheer or not, I didn't have any application issues with this at all.

Price: This was $0.99 at Ulta back when it was available. Like I said, I'm hoping many of you have this in your collection already!

Overall: Love it! I think I talked enough already about it! I think you all get it.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Essence Irreplaceable

The stars to do not always align when you put on a pretty polish. Sometimes the polish you "ooh" and "ahh" at turns out to look like complete crap on your nails. Sorry, I had to blunt, but isn't that the truth? Essence Irreplaceable is a perfect example of this. The same goes for Zoya Jules, since I think they are very similar. These are beautiful taupe-beige polishes with insanely gorgeous golden shimmer. I love them, but they don't love me. This makes me want so shed sparkly tears of nail polish unhappiness. I will live though.

Essence Irreplaceable

Irreplaceable is a beige-nude with a gorgeous golden shimmer.

This makes me hands look ruddy and dirty. It's rather icky really. I absolutely love the shimmer in this. It is unlike any other gold shimmer I've seen. I just so wish it was paired with a different color. I've read a few blogs and seen other people's comments about this color, and it seems it goes 50/50 it either looks good on you or it doesn't. Very sad....very sad, indeed.

Happy Monday!

Be sure to check out my FB page. I have small giveaway on there that ends tonight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Essence Underwater

**Today I have a guest post on The Nail Polish Enthusiast. Be sure to check it out. Thank you Amanda for letting me participate!

Today I have for an Essence polish called Underwater. Before I started this post I Googled it to see what other people thought of it. I was confused because many peoples pictures of Essence Underwater were an entirely different color than mine. It wasn't even remotely close to what I have. Thankfully, I found this post that explains there are two versions. I have the second version, and frankly I prefer it over the first.

Underwater 2.0 (I added the 2.0 for identification purposes)

Underwater 2.0 is a slate blue with blue teeny tiny sparse micro glitters.

I love this color. I think the glitter is a bit too subtle to see, but the color is beautiful. I love a great blue you all know that.

You know what the name of this makes me think of? Are any of you America's Next Top Model fans? Those of you who have been watching the All-Star season will recognize this. Whenever I see this color now this song pops in my head!

Happy Wednesday! Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate tomorrow!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Essence Gagalectric

I saw the Essence collection a few months ago at Ulta. This is a case where I get impulsive because Essence collections can be hard to find in the US, so I picked these up. These are not holographic polishes in the slightest. These are duochromes. They had 3 colors, but I'm just sharing one with you today. Sadly, 2 of 3 colors are quite sheer, and look pretty icky on their own. I don't regret getting these because over certain colors they looked great.

Gagalectric over Orly Cashmere Cardigan

Gagalectric is a sheer lavender shimmer infused with a bright blue duochrome flash.

This is really stunning layered! The blue flash is intense. I love how it completely changed the look of the Orly. I did not bother to show you it on its own. The duochrome and pigmentation of this color are lackluster by itself. I would never wear this alone. I think us nail addicts are on the same brain wave, so I don't think many of you would find it attractive on its own either.

Happy Monday!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac & Comparison

Sorry for the late post. This cold is kicking my butt. I normally try not to complain too much about colds, but this one is brutal! I'm SO over it. Plus, I gave it to my boyfriend. He's not pleased. I'm ready to breathe, not sound like Chuckie from Rugrats, taste, smell, hear, and other various things an evil cold takes away from you.

Anyways, I'm a bad bad bad blogger. I got a request for this comparison at the beginning of May, and I'm just getting around to it now. I got this request from JessieMae, I'm so sorry this is late! She wanted me to compare Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac and Essence No More Drama. Since I haven't blogged about Lacey Lilac yet, I'll show you that first and then the comparsion.

Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Lacey Lilac

Lacey Lilac is a pale lilac creme.

SH Lacey Lilac vs. Essence No More Drama
Lacey Lilac on first and third finger, No More Drama on second and last finger.

Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac is definitely lighter and more stark than No More Drama. No More Drama is still a pastel creme, but it a darker and "dustier" than Lacey Lilac. They're very different but great colors!

Happy Friday!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Essence Caribbean Sea

You know what I hate about nail polish shopping? There are just so many choices it's impossible to pick out things you want if you not looking for something in particular. I went to Sally's today and there is a wall of polish, and if I could I'd buy it all. I can't buy it all, so most of the time I leave empty handed because making a decision is too hard! Anyone else experience this?

Anyways on to pretty polish. I got this Essence polish in a blog sale. It's a pedicure polish since it says "Show Your Feet" on the bottle, but I'm sure most of don't follow rules in the nail world. I do think this would make an excellent pedicure polish though. It can go either way!

Caribbean Sea
Caribbean Sea is a turquoise/aqua frosty shimmer.

This practically glows! I know the word "frost" isn't a very popular one in the nail polish world. Frosty finishes are said to be dated. I can agree to some degree. I think a frosty pink, mauve, or nude probably fit this "outdated" category. I think a frost finish with a vibrant color or an uncommon color actually can be very beautiful, like with Caribbean Sea. This is just my opinion, but a frost done right, for instance with many of the China Glaze Vintage Vixen colors is all good in my book!

Happy Saturday!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Essence No More Drama + Giveaway Winner!

Yep, that about says it all. I didn't plan on discussing this but it bothers me. I love blogging. It's fun, lighthearted, and something I hope my readers of this blog enjoy it as much as I do. It saddens and aggravates me that some people use blogging as a means to bully,target, and attack others. I don't see how those actions and behavior accomplish anything positive. I know that people only behave that way because of their own insecurities. If you were confident and secure with yourself you wouldn't feel a need to pick on others.

It's also frustrating because it's just nail polish. It's just blogging. Does it really need to be taken so seriously? I look at the world around us and there are far more serious things going on around us to put so much time and energy into something so silly. Oh well, that's the way the world works and that's the way some people are. It's an unfortunate side of blogging that I am not happy to witness, but there are people who act that way in all areas of life. That all being said NO MORE DRAMA! :P

 I'm not talking about a specific instance above. It's an accumulation of  different instances from different people I've seen not only yesterday but at other times in the past few months. I don't mind in the comments if we discuss this type of hate in general, but I'd appreciate if we keep names out of it.

No More Drama
No More drama is a pale lilac creme. It's a very pretty serene/peaceful color hence it's name. I love these light purple cremes. I've recently started to get into them. These polishes are $1 at Ulta. This required 3 coats. It was as bit streaky and had bald spots after 2, so 3 is probably your best bet with full coverage.

On a lighter note a winner as been selected for my Back to the Grind giveaway! Thanks to all who participated you can expect a 500 follower giveaway in October!

Congratulations 1xellus1!!!!

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Essence The World's Coolest

Last month I purchased 2 polishes from the Essence Surfer Babe collection. When I got home I started regretting not getting the other two because the packaging was just too darn cute. A few weeks later ventured back to Ulta to get the other 2. I know I'm the only one here who falls victim to cute packaging. I think MAC does a good job of this just at price level that isn't always practical for me :P. I try and avoid looking at MAC collections for this reason. Anyways, thankfully these Essence polishes were only $2, so it didn't put that much of dent in my wallet.

The World's Coolest
Again, with the lobster hands. This is another pastel that doesn't agree with my skin tone. I think it's a little more forgiving than the pink, but still not quite right. The World's Coolest isn't a Tiffany blue nor is it a mint green. It's kind of in between that. Those of you who are familiar with Extra Winterfresh gum the kind that came in the stick form. I'd say it's reminiscent of that color. I'm not even sure if they still make that. I'm so behind in my gum knowledge!

I really love the color of this, but the application wasn't good. This took about 4 coats to achieve and that's only because I started layering it on the thick the 3rd and 4th coat because it looking too sheer after the 2nd. I found the polish very sheer and runny. I'm not sure if I got a bad bottle or if they're all like this. It might just be one of those polishes you need to have more patience with, which I do not have. Oh well, with the exception of the application I really do enjoy this polish and the rest of the Surfer Babe ones.

Back to school tomorrow. It's time to get back to the books. I don't imagine me posting less, since I'm addicted to blogging. I do know I'll probably have to do a lot of writing this semester, so there maybe some postless days, but I think you're pretty much stuck with me. I'm sorry! :P

Happy Sunday!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ulta, TransDesign, + Sally's Haul

I'm not feeling great today, so I'm not feeling up to a normal post. I figured I would show you some recent damage I did. Ulta, TransDesign, & Sally's are dangerous places. Thankfully, I had an Ulta gift card, but I have no excuse for the rest! :P Swatches will be coming in the future!

UPDATE:  Sorry if I wasn't clear. I didn't get Space Cadet from Sally's I got it from TransDesign. I didn't organize these in order of where I got them. I just mixed everything up.  The only things from Sally's are the China Glaze & Finger Paints. I got Space Cadet from Transdesign . They have the Cosmix colors for $5. They are currently out of Space Cadet, but I'm sure they'll restock soon!

The World's Coolest, Suferama, What Do U Think?, & No More Drama

LA Splash
Sparkling Stratosphere, Sparkling Fuchsia, Golden Seahorse, Sparking Oceanspray, Crimson Tide,
& Ocean Sprinkles

Multiple Brands
Ulta Material Girl, Ulta Bombshell, Borghese Stellar Notte, OPI Ski Teal We Drop, China Glaze Riveter Rouge, & Finger Paints Easel-y Entertained

Opal Hope, Rockin' Rocket, Space Cadet, Razzmatazz, & On The List many pretty things out these days! You can't resist! That's it for today. :)

Happy Friday!

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Essence Pool Party

 Today is my boyfriend's birthday! Yay. We are exactly 1yr and 12 days apart. I'm older. The day should be fun I got him a watch, a new mouse for his computer, and we'll be going out for dinner later. :)

Today will be some more Essence! Yes, I am still kicking my self for not purchasing the rest of that Surfer Babe collection. I am also kicking  myself for not purchasing more of the standard Essence polishes since they are only $1. I'm acting like Ulta is in some foreign country millions of miles away, and me and these polishes will be parted forever. It's just Ulta is in an area of town where traffic is insane and it's pain in the butt to get there, but I think I'll drag my whiny butt there again, so I can stop beating myself up about all of this and annoying all of you with my droning!

Anyways, this has to be my favorite Essence polish I got.

Pool Party
 Pool Party is spectacular bright lighter blue with silver micro glitter. This color is so fun! It has the perfect name too it looks just like a swimming pool especially when the sun is shining down on it making the water sparkle. This is one of those happy colors. If that makes sense. I don't think you could be unhappy wearing this color it's so full of brightness and fun. These bottles are so tiny though, so I think I may need to purchase backups. :)

Do you have an Essence polishes? Which are your favorites?

Happy Saturday!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Essence Surfer Babe Collection

Let me start out by saying that I think I have been living on another planet. I had NO idea Ulta carried Essence. I rarely venture to Ulta because it's out of the way for me in part of town that is always backed up in traffic, but my recent trip to Ulta may have made me consider going there more often.

They had this incredibly cute collection there called "Surfer Babe"
The collection consisted of blush, lipglosses, eyeliners, eyeshadow palette, and nail polishes!

I only ended up getting 2 polishes from the collection because I am an idiot. I should of got them all. The only reason I didn't was because I felt 2 of the colors were pretty standard and unoriginal, but in hindsight the collection is super cute and the whole set would of been nice. OH WELL! :P I may go back and get the other 2 since they were only $2 each.

The colors I did get were...

Point Break
Point Break is a medium grey creme. I love this shade. I have some light greys, but I don't have any darker ones. This is a great color and aren't these bottles so cute?!? Love them. I'm such a girl. :P

Hang Loose
Hang Loose is a pale lavender creme. It's a very sweet and pretty color, but it doesn't scream girly to me. It seems very chic.

The other two colors which I can't recall the names of were a magenta color and turquoise blue. I know I passed up on a turquoise blue. It looked very similar to a Essie Turquoise & Caicos or China Glaze For Audrey color that I didn't feel I really needed. Again, looking back now I wish I got all of them just for the look of the bottles and the collection. Oy. I'm annoyed with my self, but I'm glad I did get some stuff from this collection!

Ok, I'm going to end this self-deprecating post now.

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mega Lacquer Haul!

Hey guys!!! Sadly, my parents are leaving in about 2 hours :(. I will miss them a lot. We had so much fun shopping though. I wanted to share with you my my lacquer haul mania I did while they were here! :)

Ulta Beauty Gems & Ulta Glam Goth

 Utla: Essence
L-R: Hang Loose, Point Break, Pool Party, Plum Perfect, Glamourous
Aldi: Lacura
L-R: Rum Raisin & Sweet Pink

Walgreens: Eva
L-R: Kelly Green & Green Glitter
Big Lots & Sallys:
L-R: WnW Denim Chrome, Savvy Tangy Tarte, Finger Paints Sapphire Shimmer, Orly Ruby Passion, Orly Royal Navy, China Glaze Golden Enchantment
L-R:  Glam, Peaceful/Confident, Fabulous/Funky, Flirty/Shy

That's it!! Swatches to come soon. Normal blogging will resume tomorrow! :)

Happy Wednesday!