Showing posts with label MAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAC. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Throwbacks Week: MAC Bad Fairy

It's time for Throwbacks Weeks. Let's start off with a highly coveted polish from 6 years ago. I remember when MAC's Venomous Villians collection was first introduced it was obvious this was a collection nail polish lovers back then would be throwing their money at. I remember the day it was released very well. I had a doctor's appointment that morning. I'm not the biggest fan of going to the doctor. I dread and worry about it for weeks ahead of time. That dumb doctor's appointment was what was between me and my MAC nail polish. That was my treat after my doctor's appointment assuming I survived. I did survive and I got my awesome MAC Bad Fairy polish to prove it. 

Bad Fairy
Bad Fairy is a rosy magenta foil with golden-orange duochrome flash.

Collection: MAC Venomous Villians Fall 2010

Color: This was a pretty revolutionary color back in 2010. You definitely couldn't find it in a drugstore or mainstream brand back then. This is gorgeous as so perfect for fall. I adore the foil finish and I must say I really miss foil finishes. I don't' see them much anymore, and they're one of my faves. 

Formula: The formula has held up pretty well over the years and hasn't changed from what I remember. That being said, the formula is pretty sheer and I needed 4 coats here. That's what it was 6 years ago and that's what it is now. It is easy to apply and a smooth formula.

Price: I've seen a few pop up on eBay here and there in the $15-$30 price range. Be on the lookout!

Overall: This is a great throwback polish for me with a memorable story behind it. It's the only MAC polish I own to this day too. I love the color and especially the foil finish.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday! 

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bottle Spam Saturday: $10+/High End Edition

This week's bottle spam consists of polishes that I have that were $10 or more in price or high end brands. I have a lot more than I thought. I must say this category definitely has some of my all time favorite polishes in it.

Be sure to vote for next week's bottle spam!

 a england Lady of the Lake, Merlin & Perceval

 Iseult, Tristam, & Avalon

 Butter London Wallis, Knees Up, & Bluey

 No More Waity Katie, Victoriana, & Big Smoke

 Nfo-oh #52, #51, & #61 (sadly a dud)

 Illamasqua Jo'mina, Phallic, & YSL Wintergreen

 RBL Under the Stars, MAC Bad Fairy, & Chanel Peridot

 Deborah Lippmann Razzle Dazzle, Across the Universe, & Glitter in the Air

 Cult Nails Iconic, Crusin' Nude, Enigmatic, Let Me Fly, & Hypnotize Me

Devious Nature, Captivated, My Kind of Cool-Aid, Quench, & Living Water

Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Top 20 Part 1

This was nearly impossible. It's so difficult to pick my favorite polishes this year. This is my Top 20 for this year of all time, so this includes polishes from other years. I realized after I selected my 20, I saw some other great contenders, but I had to narrow it down! Here are 10 of 20 I selected. These are in no particular order. :)

Color Club Pucci-licious
 China Glaze Grape Pop

China Glaze Strawberry Fields
China Glaze Tickle My Triangle
Deborah Lippmann Across the Universe
BB Couture Hermosa Surfer Girl
MAC Bad Fairy
Milani Gems over white
Milani Red Sparkle
OPI Catch Me In Your Net

There are my first 10. Stay tuned tomorrow for the rest!

Happy Wednesday!