China Glaze LOL-is a dark holographic purple! This is the same type of holo as IDK just darker.

Orly Wild Wistera-is a dark purple creme I think it verges on a blurple. It's a rich color. I love these dark cremes!

Sally's Girl Your Majesty-is a med-dark bright purple creme. I think this is one of those that is a cousin/sister/brother-in law/uncle/cousins mom's aunt to OPI Funky Dunkey, China Glaze Grape Pop, Orly Charged Up, RBL Mismas and all those other med-dark bright purple cremes this season! :P

Zoya Zara love love love this color. This is a definite Zoya must have! This is a lavender shimmer with gold shimmer throughout. It is gorgeous!

-Ramble/Rant beginning- feel free to skip over this! I'm not one to usually talk about personal stuff that bugs me, but I figure this is pretty light-hearted.
I learned a lesson today, if you like/love something, it's not a good idea to be curious and ask others with they think about it. I learned this the hard way today and it's my own fault. I saw summery purse at TJ Maxx for $10. I liked it a lot it was cute and colorful. I needed a summer purse and I thought this would be great since I'm in Florida for casual outings or going to the beach. I purchased it excited and instead of leaving it at that I went on well known makeup site to ask their opinions. I got ripped apart big time saying it was ugly,grandma, and etc ( I had probably 50 responses all negative). It hurt my feelings, but I opened myself up to that, so it's not their fault. I felt so good before, why did I subject myself to criticism when it wasn't need? My boyfriend, my best friend, and Dad said they all liked it and it didn't matter what anyone else thought as long as I liked it. That is so true, so lesson learned. I mean as long as you're not walking around half naked in public or wearing inappropriate stuff in a professional setting it shouldn't really matter. If you love something own it and wear it with confidence! You don't need to go seeking others approval. -Rant Over-
Ok that's it for today! Sorry for the ramble. I'm now going to go run some errands with my new cute and awesome purse that I love! :P