I've got a ton of polish as you can see that I'd love to share with you (this is just the pinks)!
(You can skip this next part it's rather long and not nail polish related)Ok, on to my quarter-life crisis. I never intended to to blog much about my personal life, but sometimes you can't hold back. I really like gaining feedback from others and advice. I figure there are many of us in the same age group and those of us who are not but have been and can understand where I'm coming from. I won't get into much detail, but my college experience has been a challenging one. I wasn't ready for college after high school. I was very insecure and I felt moving far away from home would answer my problems. I was wrong, it was a very isolating and lonely experience for me. I moved back home, got on my feet, gained confidence, and decided I wanted to pursue the hospitality management industry. I moved to Florida because they have the best education for it here and for the first 2 years I loved it.
Well, now, I'm not loving it so much. I love where I live. I love school, but I'm starting to wonder if this is the right career path for me? I don't feel challenged at all in this field. The classes are insanely easy. I think I'd be great in hospitality. I have strong leadership skills, business sense, and managerial skills. I just don't feel like that's enough for me. I don't feel like I'm being intellectually stimulated if that makes sense. When I graduated high school I wanted to teach. I always loved to write. I love British literature, art history, philosophy, and everything that has influenced society and culture. I dropped this idea after my first bad experience at a school. I just associated that desire for that field with all the negatives going around me at the time.
As of now, the passion for humanities has rolled back into me. I find myself indulging in books and documentaries on all these subjects that I have always loved, but just haven't pursued. I always have felt a strong desire to not only soak up as much knowledge as I can, but inspire others to become interested in how we've been shaped throughout our history through technology, religion, art, literature, and etc. I like the idea of teaching or perhaps doing some type of educating in a museum setting etc. The problem is do I change my career path and delve into something new and challenging or do I stick with something that's practical and I know I'm good at? It's really eating at my brain. I signed up for a humanities class this semester just to see if I really want to pursue this. I read in the course description there will be weekly short essays and 2 major research papers. I know for most this would make people groan, but it excites me. I can't wait to be able write again. I can't wait to share my opinions, thoughts, and insights. I feel so deprived of that type of learning.
I think I need to assess my current skills and how I can maybe use both of the skills to find a career path that would be rewarding for me. I think I just hold myself back thinking that it's wrong for me to change my mind now or that I should already have things figured out. The people I grew up with seem to have their careers figured out and I'm still questioning? I don't know. I just feel kind of alone like this sometimes? I'll figure things out though.
Thanks for letting me vent. If anyone has any feedback, advice, words of wisdom, or support I'd greatly appreciate it. I've been asking many people in real life these same questions. I just like to hear people thoughts it helps me put things into perspective.
Happy Thursday!