Showing posts with label Urban Outfitters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Urban Outfitters. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Urban Outfitters Polish Giveaway!

*All giveaway items were purchased by me. This is not sponsored.

It's been a long time since I have a had a giveaway, so I have something special for you all today! I want to thank all of who have supported me and this blog. I really appreciate all of your kindness, comments, and your support.

I went to Urban Outfitters yesterday and bought some of my favorite colors of theirs for you! 

One Of You Can Win:

One winner will receive...(only one prize, but took 2 pics)

Urban Outfitters Bacon Sunrise, Bandeau, Bohemian Summer, and & Mystic


-This giveaway is for USA residents only. Please do not take this personally. This is to avoid any issues with customs. International entrants will be disqualified from winning the prize.

-Giveaway runs until Saturday July, 6th  @ 12am EDT.

- One winner will be chosen. This winner will have 48 hours to claim their prize (I will send you an email) or else another winner will be chosen. 

-The only requirement to enter is that you provide your email. There are other optional entries, but email is mandatory.

-Enter using the Rafflecopter widget below only. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway Happy Tuesday!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Urban Outfitters Intergalactic

As we all know Urban Outfitters over the past few months has surprised us with some awesome nail polishes lately. I went in there a few weeks ago and spotted a few new polishes. This one, I'm going to show you today immediately caught my eye. I'm such a sucker for red and black.

Intergalactic is a black jelly-like  polish loaded with micro red glitter.

Color: I absolutely adore this color combination! I wouldn't say this is unique though. This reminds me of China Glaze Lubu Heels or Milani Garnet Gems. I am in love with it anyways. My only complaint with this polish and others like this is the black base tends to overpower the glitter. I'd love if this glitter just popped a teeny bit more. 

Formula: Formula was OK. I used 3 coats here. I've noticed while Urban Outfitters has awesome colors, they tend to lack great formulas. This was a bit thick and it dried very matte and dull. I added top coat to it and that resolved that problem easily.

Price: Urban Outfitters has this ongoing deal of 2 for $8 polishes. You can also purchase this one on their website

Overall: I really do like this one despite the formula and it's similarities to other polishes. I think colors like this are hot! I think this color looks really good on me too. I know that's really egotistical :-/. If you have a color like this already you can probably pass this up, but if not I say why not check it out? 

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Urban Outfitters Pink Holo

Today, I have another one of the Urban Outfitters holos to show you. Speaking of Urban Outfitters, I haven't been in a few weeks. I was going maybe every 2-3 weeks before, and every time I went they had something new and totally awesome. I should make a trip sometime soon to see if they have anything new! On to holo magic!

Pink Holo

Pink Holo is a strong linear light pink holo. 

This one is a bit tricky color wise. I find that in some lights it looks pink, and others it looks kind of lilac. Honestly, I couldn't careless what shade of pink or not pink this because this is flipping amazing. The holo effect in this is so strong that it's magical. This just makes me so happy!

I got this at Urban Outfitters for $10.00.

Happy Thursday! 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Urban Outfitters Mystic & Comparison

I need to go to Urban Outfitters more often...well maybe I shouldn't. I've been going weekly lately, because some of my friends wanted some of their holos. Every week I've gone they have a new polish out that wasn't there the week before. What's even better than that is it's always some awesome polish or some polish that seems very familiar to something more expensive. I spotted this polish the other week, and it reminded me a lot of Deborah Lippmann Ray of Light. Is it a dupe?

Urban Outfitters Mystic 

Mystic is a deep indigo blue that leans slightly blurple jelly with coppery pink flakies.

The flakies in the bottle in person look iridescent, however, on the nail and when photographed the iridescent color flash doesn't not really show. The flakies on most all accounts here will look coppery pink. The formula on this was a bit sheer, but buildable. The photograph makes it look more sheer than it does in real life. This is a great deep jelly shade with gorgeous flakies. 

Let us now see how it compares to DL Ray of Light: (I'll be using UO to reference Urban Outfitters and DL to reference Deborah Lippmann below.)

Index & Ring Finger: UO Mystic
Middle & Pinky Finger: DL Ray of Light

Top: UO Mystic
Bottom: DL Ray of Light

These are not dupes, but they're close. Below I have listed the bullet points of differences and similarities. 

  • Base color is different. UO is darker and leans more purple than the DL.
  • UO base is sheerer and slightly more jelly than DL
  • UO has more visible flakies than DL
  • They both have iridescent flakies that appear coppery pink on the nail
  • DL formula is better and easier to apply than the UO
If you want something similar to DL Ray of Light, but don't want to pay the DL price I think UO is a good alternative. These are not dupes though, but they are very similar  If you have DL Ray of Light, and you're happy with that I wouldn't say you need UO Mystic unless it appeals to you too. I think if you have the DL already, you will prefer that formula to the UO. 

Happy Monday! 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Urban Outfitters Silver Holo

I think it's safe to say the dark ages of hololess sadness and despair have come to an end. The holo polishes are once again making their mark on nail polish world after a seemingly long stint away due to what I'm sure were issues with finding ingredients. I remember when I first got into nail polish back in late December 2008 the China Glaze OMG collection was still available on e-tailers. I bought half of that collection back then, not knowing that would be one of the last times we'd see GOOD holos out there that were sold in large quantities and easy to find. 

The dark days are over with the release of the Color Club holos and the upcoming 2013 release of the China Glaze holos. What I did not expect was to find holos in Urban Outfitters a store that is 5 minute drive from where I live! What I expected less is that these holos would be the absolute best holos I've ever had as far as holo effect. These puppies are strong linear amazing holos! I did not purchase any of the Color Club ones because I'd have to order them, and with shipping it wasn't appealing, so it was nice to spot these in a store I could just pick up! I have the silver one to show you today.

Urban Outfitters Silver Holo

Silver Holo is a silver linear holo.

This is bright, strong, and just downright amazing. Do I really need to say more? If you have an Urban Outfitters store near you, go pick this up now or ASAP. You will not be disappointed! 

I picked this one up for $10. 

Happy Monday! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Urban Outfitters Sea Dust

When I first Deborah Lippmann Mermaid's Dream I was intrigued. I was not intrigued enough to pay $18 for it though. I was really excited to hear that dupe was discovered at Urban Outfitters. I stalked the store for a bit, and it took me awhile to find it, but I eventually did! They sell their polishes 2 for $8, so $4 vs. $18. It's a no brainer.

Sea Dust

Sea Dust is a seafoam green foil with small bright blue hex glitters mixed in.

This is certainly a unique polish as far as finish and appearance. I was worried with this polish that it would be gritty as far as texture. I find that the foil finish of this and how the light reflects off those particles gives it the appearance of having texture. This was actually smooth on the nail.  I love these colors, and I'm glad I found this alternative polish! I don't think they're exact dupes, but they're pretty darn close. You can find a comparison on Mara in Polishland.

Happy Monday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Urban Outfitters Bandeau

I have been so impressed lately when I've gone into Urban Outfitters to look at their polishes. They really have a great selection of unique pretties. In fact, last time I was there it took some restraint not to buy any. This was after my Christmas shopping, so I really did not have money to splurge on more polish. I got this one back in summer and it's a great purple!

*I had to adjust the color on this photo to accurately depict the purple. My camera turns red-toned purples into blue ones, so I adjusted it so it is color accurate.


Bandeau is a neon purple creme.

I'd consider this a neon, obviously it's not like a pink or yellow neon where it is blinding, but it is too bright for me to consider just a bright color. I love this purple. I've always wanted a neon purple, but they're harder to come by. I've seen a few from Color Club, but none in this shade. The formula with this was great. That is saying a lot for a neon polish.  I love the bottle shape even though it's a bit different. Thumbs up from me!

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Urban Outfitters Barstool

Have you voted for your 2011 favorites yet?

*My posts are going to be short this week. I have finals to study for and papers to complete, so I've made scheduled posts ahead of time.

Today I have for you a polish I found at Urban Outfitters. They had a handful of colors at their store, and I was really impressed. The shades they had were unique and funky. That's right up my alley.


Barstool is a soft dusty gray-blue jelly.

Yes, this is a win. The color is a great, and the jelly finish is unexpected. I don't have any other colors like this. I am curious how this one might compare to some of the polishes in the Zoya Feel collection. I'm getting some of those soon, so we shall see!

Happy Monday!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Urban Outfitters Afterhours

A few weeks ago when I walked into Urban Outfitters I found a whole table full of nail polish. Naturally I was like O.o! They had a whole stash of these square shaped bottles in handful of neat colors and finishes. I believe these were 2 for $8. So, I stocked up on a few. I spotted a holographic glitter bomb in the mix, and of course I had to get it!

Afterhours is a pale lavender glitter and silver holographic glitter..glitter bomb.

This was only 3 coats, so it meets my criteria for a glitter bomb. I like the pale lavender glitter in here it's a nice variation from your standard silver. You could layer this one if you'd like too. This is a neat polish, that I approve of!

Happy Friday!