Many of you have noticed that I've been posting a few photos of Badger Balm products on Instagram lately. I've also received many requests to review these. I want to say this is a detailed review. I feel with products like these I want to be as detailed as possible to help you determine if Badger Balm could be right for you.
I've been familiar with Badger Balm for awhile now, but I did not try the brand myself until about a year ago. I've really come to love brand. They are family owned company out of New Hampshire, and everything from the product themselves, the packaging, the website, and the feel you get from this brand is great. Badger Balm exudes a very friendly, comforting, and approachable feel that I love in a company.
Before I get into a full review, I want to show how the product looks inside the tin.
These are basically what I'd consider a solid oil (mind you I'm not a skincare blogger!). The way to use these is to just rub your fingers against it to pick up product and then apply it where needed.
Cuticle Care (you can click to enlarge any of these photos)
I have been using Cuticle Care regularly for almost a year now. This is my favorite Cuticle Care product I've used. I find the texture of this to be very moisturizing without being greasy and it absorbs into the skin quickly. The scent of this is prominently lemongrass. If you're not familiar, I would best describe it as a lemon scent with some earthy and woody tones to it. I've had this for almost a year now, and I'm just now hitting the bottom of the tin with plenty left over!
The next Badger Balms I'm going to review are part of their aromatherapy line. I want to preface this part of the review by saying these balms will not fix any medical or emotional problems you might have. These are not substitutes for medical advice or attention you may need. I find what these balms and aromatherapy in general do provide is a soothing or uplifting response depending on the particular balm's essential oils and how they smell. These balms for me personally, help clear my mind, ease some uncomfortable feelings, and help center me.
Stress Soother
Stress Soother's prominent essential oils are tangerine, rosemary, and lavender. I find this balm really helps sooth the nerves if you're anxious, uneasy, or overwhelmed. I apply this to my temples and forehead. I think this also great just to put the tin under your nose and breathe in the scent using slow deep breaths. Stress Soother I find really does give your mind that little mini break it needs from anxiety and stress. This balm is soothing, calming, and all around helps me to relax. I keep this one handy in my purse, so I always have in on hand!
Yoga & Meditation Balm
Yoga & Meditation Balm's prominent essential oils are cedarwood and mandarin. I do not do yoga, but I do listen to guided meditation a few times a week. I find that Stress Soother and Yoga & Meditation Balm are similar as far as their effects. They both are soothing, but I find Yoga & Meditation balm to have little bit of brightness to it as far as scent in comparison to Stress Soother. I find that this has a bit of a refreshing and focusing quality that makes sense when partaking in yoga or meditation. I apply this one to my forehead and temples.
Cheerful Mind Balm
Cheerful Mind Balm's prominent essential oils are sweet orange and spearmint. I swear around 4pm-7pm I hit a funk in my day. I'm not necessarily tired, but my mood isn't so great. I kind of get a little bit of the blues. Cheerful Mind Balm is perfect for this type of feeling. This doesn't cure a bad day or make sad feelings disappear. I do find this just lifts my spirits. The scent of this is uplifting and invigorating. I apply this like the others to my temples and forehead.
Focus Balm
Sleep Balm
Sleep Balm's essential oils are lavender and bergamot. I will say I do not have problems initially falling asleep. I can fall asleep easily...sometimes too easily! I have problems staying asleep, and even more so getting a restful sleep. I'm the type of person who will wake up in the middle of the night and never get back to sleep. I've found since I've been using this or the Night-Night Balm for the past month I've had restful and pleasant sleeps. This is a HUGE difference for me, and the only thing I've changed is using these sleep related balms. I really attribute that 100% to this balm. I apply this to my temples and I dab a little under my nose. I also to elevate this more apply some to my finger tips and get an lavender scented body lotion mix them together and use at as body moisturizer at night. This is absolutely soothing and comforting. I cannot speak enough praises on this one!
Night-Night Balm
Night-Night Balm is designed for kids. I don't have kids, but I've used this on myself and had amazing results. I actually had this one before the regular Sleep Balm. The main difference between these is the Night-Night Balm has a lower percentage of and a different variety of essential oils than the Sleep Balm. The main essential oil in both of these is lavender. I apply these the same way I apply Sleep Balm. I put it on my temples, dab a bit under my nose, and mix some with some lavender scented lotion and apply it as a night time body moisturizer.
I want to cover a few more things you may have questions about in bullet points. I know you've read a lot so far, so I want to keep this simple!
- These are not greasy! I have oily skin, and find these absorb quickly into my skin without making my skin feel greasy.
- These are gentle. I have very sensitive skin, and these do no irritate my skin at all. The balms I reviewed today do not have any tingling or cooling sensations.
- These last a long time and you only need a little product. All these balms have best by dates 2-3 years out. These will last you a long time, and they will not expire on you quickly!
- I find these all work well too like I described with Stress Soother by holding the tin under your nose and breathing in the aroma using slow deep breaths (Cuticle Care excluded hehe).
- These all also work as general moisturizers for your hands, rough spots on skin, and cuticles. They are multi-taskers!
- Badger Balms are affordable! The ones I reviewed today run between $6.00-$10.00, and some of them have size options.
I think this covers Badger Balms. Badger Balm makes tons more products than I showed you. I know they make balms for headaches, sore muscles, after sun care, and so much more. They also carry lotions, soaps, and lip balms, and etc. I want it all now!
I purchased all of these products on my own. You can find a very small selection at Ulta, but I really recommend shopping on Badger Balm's website where I purchased a majority of these. They offer free shipping on domestic orders $25+ year round!
Be sure follow Badger Balm on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram too! They're quick to respond to any comment and questions!
Happy Wednesday!