Showing posts with label bar glitter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bar glitter. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat- All Yarned Up

Sidetrack-story time....

I would have to say years before my polish obsession kicked in, I had a pretty definitive "nail polish is freaking amazing" moment in the late 90's. I think I was probably between 10-11.

I was vising family in Atlanta, GA. I had brought with me this awesome new nail polish I found with pink-toned holographic bar glitter. The polish was Revlon Street Wear, Psychedelic (second photo, far right). I was staying at my grandmother's and my Aunt Barbara came to visit. I showed Aunt Barbara my new polish, and she kindly offered to paint my nails.

This polish was sheer, but she patiently layered on the coats so I had a blingtastic pink holographic glitter nails. I remember staring at my nails afterwards thinking how amazing my nails looked (and what a great nail painter Aunt Barbara was)! While, this wasn't the moment I fell in love with polish the way I do now, it is a clear and fond memory I have.

Psychedelic had pretty large bar glitters, and at the time I thought that was awesome. Now, bar glitters are not necessarily a favorite of mine, especially the large variety. When these non-metallic bar glitters came in the scene, my opinion changed. Today, I have for you Sally Hansen Fuzzy Coat in All Yarned Up.

All Yarned Up over Revlon Modern Grace
All Yarned Up is a mix of small satin pastel blue, yellow, and orange bar glitters in a clear base.

Color: This is a pretty mix of colors. I love how they're pastel, and the satin finish. I really like the effect it creates on the nail. The effect is subtle, soft, and pretty. In recent years, I found bar glitters to be a bit obnoxious and sore spot in a polish, but these glitters with their size and finish really are very nice!

Formula: The formula on this was very easy to use. I used 2 coats over a base, but I think adding more coats would create an even cooler look. 

Price: I received this as a gift, but I know I've seen it at Walgreens and CVS in the $4-$6 depending on your location. 

Overall: Love this one! I was presently surprised by this line of polishes, and I'm truly a fan!

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!