Showing posts with label cling/saran wrap. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cling/saran wrap. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Cult Nails Fall Funk

Ever since I started doing two accent nails,  I haven't gone back to just doing one. This is probably my favorite nail trend ever as it allows me to be more creative and fun with my nails. This is a recent mani I did using some Cult Nails polishes. I think it's fun, but still fall appropriate.

Polishes Used:
Cult Nails Let Me Fly, Spontaneous, and Walk of Shame.

Manicure Description: 
I painted my index, middle, and pink finger with Let Me Fly. I followed up on my middle finger using the Saran Wrap technique using Spontaneous. I painted my ring finger with Spontaneous topped off with Walk of Shame.

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Way-Cool Mani Wednesday: Lilac & Nude

I've come up with a new feature "Way-Cool Mani Wednesday" The past two Wednesdays, I've done posts featuring some fun, two accent, glittery, nail art, or all three type manis. This is a change for me, as I'm usually a nail polish purest. I have to say I'm loving experimenting with different colors, finishes, and sometimes nail art in one mani!

I'd love to make this a weekly feature to show you what I've come with. Be mindful, I'm not some nail artist, so don't expect some masterpieces here. You can expect to see some fun, simple, and easy to do yourself way-cool manis! I hope you like this new weekly feature. 

Here is a mani I did using all three of the mentioned above, two accents, glittery, and nail art! 

Polishes Used: Karadshian Beauty Afterglow, OPI Do You Lilac It, and NOPI Inner Sparkle (Selena Gomez)
Manicure Description: I painted my thumb, index, and pinky finger with Kardashian Beauty Afterglow. I painted my middle finger with Afterglow, and used the Saran Wrap technique of OPI Do You Lilac It? on top. My ring finger is Do You Lilac It? topped with NOPI Inner Sparkle. 

I really love this one. I like the pairing of the colors, and how the whole thing turned out. It's a softer look, but  with something a little special! 

Happy Wednesday! 

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Cling/Saran Wrap Nails Using CND Effects

This is one for the record books folks. I attempted a nail art technique. As many of you know I'm a minimalist when it comes to doing my nails. I usually just do one color on my nails. I may layer a glitter shimmer over a color, or do an accent nail, but that is as far as I usually stretch it with my nails. The reason is I don't really have the patience or talent for nail art. When I started seeing cling/saran wrap manicures I thought I could do it. It didn't look too hard or challenging, and it didn't seem to leave much of a mess either. So here it goes!

I used Milani Black Swift as a base and let that dry completely. I followed that up with CND Effects Violet Shimmer immediately dabbing over it with cling wrap, and let that dry. Then I repeated that cycle using CND Effects Emerald Shimmer, Ice Blue Shimmer, and Copper Shimmer letting it dry between each color..and viola!

I love love love the look of this! It almost looks holographic doesn't it? I love the marbled look of these colors meshed together with the tiny bits of black peaking through. Very cool. This was easy to do as well. This is a good general tutorial on cling/saran wrap nails. The only difference is I used multiple colors rather than just one. The trick is you have to make sure each coat is dry before you do the cling wrap. It's an easy technique, but it does require some patience as far as time, but the result is great!

Happy Wednesday!