Showing posts with label glitter bombs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label glitter bombs. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

Shimmer Polish Fanny, Katie, and Mary

*The following products were sent to me by Shimmer Polish in exchange for my honest review.

I have my last batch of Shimmer Polishes to show you! Again, I'm very impressed with these! I love great glitter bombs.

Fanny over Cult Nails Nevermore
Fanny is a mix predominantly purple and pink glitters in a clear base.

Katie over Cult Nails Nevermore
Katie is a mix of gray, green, and pink glitters in a clear base.

Mary over Cult Nails Nevermore
Mary is a mix of red, silver, and black glitters in a clear base.

Colors: This is another great mix of colors. I love how all the colors in each shade compliment each other nicely. The combinations look uniform, but are fun at the same time.

Formula: I used 2 coats over a base with all of these. I found them all to be easy to use and apply.

Price: These polishes are $12 and can be found on etsy. You can also purchase through Shimmer Polish directly via email. There are directions on her site on how to do so.

Overall: I love these glitters. I didn't have any issues with them, and the color combos are great!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Shimmer Polish's website for a full list polishes and follow on Facebook!

* I received the above products by Shimmer Polish for review. 

Happy Monday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Shimmer Polish Cindy, Cristina, and Natalie

*The following products were sent to me by Shimmer Polish in exchange for my honest review.

More Shimmer Polishes for you today! These sparkle and shine as pretty as the others!

Cindy over Cult Nails Nevermore
 Cindy is a mix of ruby red glitters.

Cristina over Cult Nails Nevermore
Cristina is a mix of forest green and fuchsia glitters. *Note I adjusted the hue of this photo to accurately depict the color since my camera had washed it out. 

Natalie over Cult Nails Nevermore
Natalie is a mix of dusty blue, copper, and gold glitters.

Colors: Beautiful mix of colors here again with Shimmer Polish. Cindy and Cristina are both so rich and vibrant. It's hard to beat great red and green glitters. Natalie is a beautiful mix of my favorite color combination usingt blue with warm metal colors.

Formula: The formulas were all easy to use. I used 2 coats over a base with each. These are full coverage glitters, but I find the process to go faster and they stand out better against a base.

Price: These polishes are $12 and can be found on etsy. You can also purchase through Shimmer Polish directly via email. There are directions on her site on how to do so.

Overall: More winners here from Shimmer Polish! These are standouts and all wonderful!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Shimmer Polish's website for a full list polishes and follow on Facebook!

* I received the above products by Shimmer Polish for review. 

Happy Monday!

Monday, September 2, 2013

Shimmer Polish Jovie, Leslie, and Taylor

*The following products were sent to me by Shimmer Polish in exchange for my honest review.

Today, I have some more Shimmer Polish pretties to share with you!

Jovie over Cult Nails Nevermore
Jovie over Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac
Jovie is a mix of pink opalescent glitters in a clear base.

Leslie over Cult Nails Nevemore
Leslie is a mix of periwinkle and lavender glitters in a clear base.

Taylor over Cult Nails Nevermore
Taylor is a red jelly base with red, green, and blue glitters.

Colors: Lovely mix of glitter combinations in these three polishes. I love how multi-dimensional they are. Shimmer Polishes are not one flat color glitter polishes, they have multiple color glitters in them that make them stand out. It's hard to choose a favorite here!

Formula: I didn't have any difficulty with any of the formulas. Leslie is a little chunkier than the other two, but it still applied nicely. I used 2 coats for each swatch. I do recommend using a base with these as it allows you to use less coats to build up the glitter.

Price: These polishes are $12 and can be found on etsy. You can also purchase through Shimmer Polish directly via email. There are directions on her site on how to do so.

Overall: Jovie, Leslie, and Taylor are all awesome and unique glitter mixes. I love them!

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Shimmer Polish's website for a full list polishes and follow on Facebook!

* I received the above products by Shimmer Polish for review. 

Happy Monday!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Shimmer Polish Astrid, Jacki, and Nichole

*The following products were sent to me by Shimmer Polish in exchange for my honest review.

I have been fawning over Shimmer Polish for long a time now. What I love about Shimmer Polish is how it goes a different route than many other indies. Shimmer Polish tends to focus on fuller coverage fine and small glitter polishes. These polishes feature many different color combinations with glitter that create the perfect glitzy look. I have for you today, Astrid, Jacki, and Nichole.

Astrid over Cult Nails Nevermore

Astrid over Sally Hansen Lacey Lilac
Astrid is described as a amethyst opal mix of glitter. 

Jacki over Cult Nails Nevermore
Jacki is a deep violet jelly mixed with navy, red, and other multi-colored glitter. 

Nichole over Cult Nails Nevermore
Nichole is a mix of red, silver, and blue glitter.

Colors: I love these glitter mixes! These stand out, the combinations are fun, and they all create very different effects. Astrid is a real stunner for me here! 

Formula: All of these formulas were easy to use. I chose to do 2 coats over bases with these. While, with some of these you can build them up on their own, I think a backdrop really helps them pop against your nails. I was worried with these being glitter bombs the formula could be challenging, but this wasn't the case at all. Easy breezy!

Price: These polishes are $12 and can be found on etsy. You can also purchase through Shimmer Polish directly via email. There are directions on her site on how to do so. 

Overall: These are pretty spectacular. I do not own any other indie glitters like this, and I have over 200 indie polishes. These have the same thing going for them like those great glitter bombs OPI had in 2010. Shimmer Polish has tons more awesome glitters, and with better formulas though. These are well made, beautiful, and I'm very impressed!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to check out Shimmer Polish's website for a full list polishes and follow on Facebook

* I received the above products by Shimmer Polish for review. 

Happy Monday! 

Monday, November 19, 2012

Maybelline Color Show Sequins

When I first saw a press release of these I knew I instantly wanted them. I also knew, that since this collection was limited edition I'd probably never find it! My sweet dad actually found these for me at the grocery store Albertsons. I know people have spotted these at other grocery store chains, Rite Aid, and Walmart. I'm hoping these will be at other drugstores soon so you can find them!

I will start out by saying I had difficulty with the formula in these. I immediately added a few drops of thinner to ALL of them. In my review, I will be layering these over other polishes. I found while some of these could reach opacity on their own, if I used 2+ coats (which I think is what would be needed to get full coverage) the formula got really difficult to work with and looked really chunky and uneven on the nail. These preformed better using 1 to 2 coats layered over a base. Despite my difficulty, with the formula I'm a glitter junkie so I enjoy these. It's nice to see glitter bombs in drugstore format.

Gold's Night Out over ChG Midnight Kiss

Gold's Night is a mixture of micro gold glitter, small gold hex glitter, and medium gold hex glitters in a clear base.

This is a nice combination of different size glitters and holo glitter. The formula on this is chunky and thick.

Cocktail Dress over Cult Nails Nevermore

Cocktail Dress is a mixture of black and charcoal micro glitters with small red-orange hex glitters in a clear base.

This is a pretty glitter. I found this formula one of the easier ones to work with in comparison to the rest of the collection. I like the color combination. 

Lavender Sparks over Cult Nails Nevermore

Lavender Sparks is a mixture of micro lavender glitter, small lavender hex glitter, and medium holo lavender glitters in a clear base.

This is a chunky dunky yucky formula. Absolutely terrible. It was better with thinner, but I do not recommend using more than 2 coats as it gets really thick and chunky the more coats you use. Pretty color glitter though, and nice layered using less coats.

Ruby Rhinestones over Revlon Raven Red

Ruby Rhinestones is a sheer red base mixed with red micro glitter, black micro glitter, and medium red hex glitters.

The formula on this was OK. It wasn't the worst, but it wasn't the best. I like the combination of red and black.

Sea-Quins over Cult Nails Nevermore

Sea-Quins is a mixture of micro teal glitter, small teal hex glitters, and medium teal hex glitters in a clear base.

The most beautiful of the bunch in my opinion. The formula on this was also decent, and easier to work with than the others.

Silver Gleam over Zoya Trixie

Silver Gleam is a mixture of micro silver glitters, small sliver hex glitters, and medium silver holo glitters in a clear base. 

This was significantly less chunky than a Gold's Night Out. It was one of the easier formulas to work with.

Rose Bling over Cult Nails Nevermore

Rose Bling is a mixture of small rose hex glitters, medium rose hex glitters, and medium dark pinkhex glitters in a clear base.

This is another chunky dunky yucky mess. It is worse than Lavender Sparks. This is what nail polish application nightmares are made of. I wouldn't even attempt doing more than 2 coats of will have a bad time. The glitter color is pretty though, and is decent layered. 

Sapphire Masquerade over Cult Nails Nevermore

Sapphire Masquerade is a sheer blue base with micro blurple glitters, small blurple hex glitters, and medium fuschia hex glitters.

The formula on this was thick. It was decent after thinner. You maybe successful with this in 3 coats without a base if you add thinner to it. This one is very pretty. 

Final Thoughts: 
I'm sure you noticed I commented on the formula on every one of these. They are truly pretty awful. I honestly don't think you could use these with much success with out nail polish thinner. As much as I trash the formula, and I know that is a deal breaker for many of you, I can't help but like some of these glitters. I like the colors, and being a glitter junkie the extra effort is OK by me. That's the only case I'd recommend these in. If you love glitters or if any of these catch you eye, go for it, but keep in mind what I said about the formula. If these don't do much for you or you're on the fence I'd pass. If you had me choose favorites I'd go with Sea-Quins, Cocktail Dress, Sapphire Masquerade, and Lavender Sparks (simply because I have not seen lavender holo glitter before). 

Price wise I believe these are in the $3-$4 range. 

Happy Monday!