Showing posts with label heather's hues. Show all posts
Showing posts with label heather's hues. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Heather's Hues Valentine's Wax Melts (Partial)

*I received the following products in exchange for my honest review.

I'm back at it again with the wax melts! After the holidays, I didn't really have any new scents to melt and I caught a cold, so I was out of the game for a bit. Now, I have new wax to try! Heather's Hues is mainly known for nail polish, but she had started to create wax melts. Nail polish and wax melts are my favorite things so I love that makers are doing both these days! Heather has some new Valentine's themed wax melts scents and asked if I was interested in reviewing some of them. I excitingly agreed and I have a few of those to share with you today!

Heather's Hues wax melts are made from 100% soy wax. They're a softer wax and come in fun shapes with beautiful decoration. I'm not usually one who needs pizazz with my wax like I do in nail polish, but I do love how pretty and fun these are! Let's get started with the individual reviews.

Pucker Up
Scent Description: a beautiful, clean scent; a blend of strawberries, gardenia, mimosa, and sandalwood
My Thoughts: This is a prominently fruity and bright blend balanced out with some floral notes. I'd describe this scent as vibrant but it has a bit of softness with the sandalwood to mellow it out just a tad. The throw as moderate.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5

Moscato Pink
Scent Description: a blend of tropical passionfruit, blood orange zest, Lisbon lemons, sweet Moscato wine accord, bird of paradise blooms, and loquat petals with nuances of coconut wood, palm musk, and driftwood
My Thoughts: This scent has a lot going on! I get a definite tropical citrus note (it's not listed, but I'm getting pineapple), the wine note, and floral and coconut in the background. This is another bright and punchy scent. It's like a tropical fruity drink on steroids! This scent is a bit much for me. I like it on first sniff, but a little goes a long way. This one had a strong throw.
Scent Throw: 4.5/5

Rooibos Tea
Scent Description: a fresh, herbaceous blend of citrus, honey, and white blossoms with subtle hints of iris, jasmine, and vanilla
My Thoughts: I love tea scents and this one is really great. It's very strong too which is a nice because most tea scents I have are fairly light. This smells like good ole southern sweet to me. It's a very sweet tea scent with some background floral notes.
Scent Throw: 4.5/5

Champagne Sugar
Scent Description: a blend of lemon, bergamot, mandarin orange, apple, banana, dew fruit, pineapple, jasmine, rose, plum, muget, peony, heliotrope, amber sandalwood, and musk
My Thoughts: This was my favorite scent of the bunch. Despite all the notes I found it to be a very soft and clean scent. It's a nice fruity/floral blend which is softened and elevated with the sandalwood and musk notes. Unfortunately, when I melted this I hardly got any throw off of it.
Scent Throw: 1/5

Fall in Love
Scent Description: a lush combination of vanilla, soft florals, and ripe berries; light and clean scent
My Thoughts: This was my second favorite scent in this lot. I think the description is spot on. It's a cleaner and softer scent. I like the blend of berries, vanilla, and floral. It's a nice scent combination that isn't overpowering but still, makes an impression. This one had a moderate throw.
Scent Throw: 3/5

Cupid's Kiss
Scent Description: a fresh and fruity mix of candied berries, crisp apple, soft flower blossoms, and fresh air
My Thoughts: I love the fresh air note in this one it really is unexpected and adds a great dimension to this scent. I get a sugary berry scent as the main note in here with a hint of floral and the fresh air to really round it out. It's really a unique scent that is unlike anything I've tried before. This one had a moderate throw.
Scent Throw: 3.5/5

Where To Buy: You can purchase Heather's  Hue's wax melts on her etsy site. You have two options for purchase. You can purchase one large melt or pack of smaller melts. The smaller pack of melts is $5.00 and the large melt is $5.30. There are also a few Valentine's scents I did not review, so be sure to check out the list under "New Scents" to see what else is available!

Overall: I really enjoyed these melts and they definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. These were unique and complex blends I'm not used to trying. I'm more of straight forward scent person, but that gets boring after awhile. These were bright and very fitting for the Valentine's theme. My favorites of this bunch were Fall in Love, Cupid's Kiss, and Rooibos Tea.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, December 23, 2016

Heather's Hues Jingle All The Way

How about a Christmas glitter to kick off the Christmas weekend? This one is from Heather's Hues. This is actually a polish I purchased myself not one of the ones I won. I love glittery shades when Christmas comes around. Glitter and Christmas are two peas in a pod. If you're someone who is hesitant about bling, Christmas is the time to not shy away. This glitter isn't shy!

Jingle All The Way (over Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree)

Jingle All The Way (over a silver metallic)
Jingle All The Way is a clear base packed with silver holo glitters, red and green glitters, platinum silver flakes, and a mix of multichrome flakes in red, green, and gold.

Collection: Heather's Hues Holiday 2016

Color: This is jam packed glittery goodness. I love all the glitter elements in this polish and it's definitely over the top but in an amazing way.

Formula: The formula was easy to use and apply. I used 2 coats over a base. You could wear this on its own, but it won't be 100% opaque but close enough.

Price: This mini 7.5ml size is $6.00 while the larger 15ml size is $10 on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is a great Christmas glitter. I love all of the glitter elements, the colors, and the multichrome flakes. This is a blingtastic polish that won't disappoint the glitter fanatics out there. I wish this was just teensy bit more opaque for my liking so I didn't have to layer it. It may be opaque enough for many, though.

My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Heather's Hues O' Christmas Tree

Another brand I shopped during Black Friday was Heather's Hues. I actually only purchased one nail polish and mostly bought wax melts. During her Black Friday sale, she posted there would be 7 random winners of a surprise gift during the sale period. I happened to be one of the winners and was very excited because I received some of the polishes I had my eye on but decided not to purchase during the sale to try and keep my Black Friday spending guilt at bay. This is one of the colors I won.

O' Christmas Tree
O' Christmas Tree is Christmas green sprinkled with iridescent green microflakes and shimmer as well as lime and emerald holo dust and microglitters.

Collection: Heather's Hues Holiday 2016

Color: I don't post a lot of green polishes because it's really not my most favorite color, however, I do love a rich deep green. This is a beautiful traditional shiny Christmas wrapping paper green. At least, that's what it reminds me of most. I love this richness of this green.

Formula: This had a great and easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: This mini 7.5ml version which I have is $5.75. There is a larger 15ml version for $9.75 as well on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is beautiful Christmas green shade. I love the shine and shimmer in this polish. It's such a rich and luxurious color.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Monday!

Monday, October 31, 2016

HPB Presents: Halloween Mani (Heather's Hues Killer Costume Party)

I have a review of another Heather's Hues polishes today which also happens to be my Halloween mani I'm wearing today. This has to be one of the coolest nail polishes I've tried this year and probably one of the top ones I've tried ever. I don't see magic like this too often these days. This was the nail polish I got out of bed to polish a couple of weeks ago. I think you all will agree.

Killer Costume Party (over a black creme)
Killer Costume Party is a clear base and is packed with iridescent chameleon glitters, iridescent color-shift flakes, and multichrome flakes in violet/red/orange and red/copper/bronze.

Collection: Heather's Hues Haunted Collection 2016

Color: Wowza! That is some magical polish! There is some much colorful multichrome and color-shiftness going on. I make less and less sense the more amazing the nail polish. This is a stunner and so unique and magical in my collection.

Formula: Excellent easy to apply formula. I used 2 coats over a black creme. I love this layered it really pops!

Price: This is $10 for a 15ml bottle or $5.75 for 7.5ml bottle on Heather's Hues etsy page.

Overall: Sneak peak! This will be one of my Top 25 of 2016 polishes. This is probably my favorite polish of the year. I love everything about it. How could you not? Everyone needs this one. Get it!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters

Check out other HPB members Halloween manis! 

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Heather's Hues Halloween Magic

I have a new to me brand to share with you today. I came across Heather's Hues when it was posted in FB group about a month ago. I was in bed getting ready to go to sleep and I checked my FB and some of her Halloween colors popped up. It was one of the very rare instances where something got me out of bed to buy! I purchased two colors from that collection and I have one of those to show you today.

Halloween Magic (over orange creme)
Halloween Magic is clear base packed with iridescent chameleon glitters that shift from green to red to orange to yellow, copper holo microglitters, and bronze and gold microflakes.

Collection: Heather's Hues Haunted Collection 2016

Color: I love iridescent glitter and it's not really visited much in nail polish lately. I love the dimension of this polish with microglitter and flakes. I like the autumn color scheme of this glitter too.

Formula: Easy to use formula. I used one coat over a base above. This is buildable, but I found it looked better layered in my case.

Price: This is $9.50 for a 15ml bottle or $5.75 for a 7.5ml on Heather's Hues etsy site.

Overall: This is a gorgeous iridescent glitter. I love the colors of the all the glitters and elements that go into this polish. It gives it interest and makes it unique. I also love that it's iridescent glitter which isn't something I see a lot in nail polish anymore.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
 Happy Tuesday!