Showing posts with label hits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hits. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Hits Phenomena: Air Glow

I mentioned in one of my previous posts that I avoided the Brazilian polishes for awhile. The reason was I loved them all so much I knew one would not suffice. I decided I'd wait around until my birthday and do a little haul of them. This is one of them I picked up last month. It's one of the Hits Phenomena polishes, and it's pretty spectacular.

Air Glow over Milani Black Swift

Air Glow is a multichromatic glitter that flashes pink, orange, copper and gold. 

This is a stunner people. I've seen some multichrome and duochrome polishes out there that you really cannot see there effect unless you are in certain lightning. This is not the case for Air Glow. This pretty shows all of its colors in any lighting. It is beautiful. This polish is definitely meant to be layered. I really would recommend you layer it over dark colors, it will bring out the depth of all the colors the best. 

I got this one on Ninja Polish

Happy Thursday!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Glitter Bombing Layering Birthday Fun!

Today is my 26th birthday. That is kind of scary. I actually don't mind getting older, but how fast time goes by these days is scary. I remember being little and a year felt like the equivalent of what 4 years feels like now. A year now feels like the equivalent of 6 months. Does that make any sense? I haven't even had any birthday drinks yet, and I'm blabbering away!

As I said I don't mind getting older. The older I get the more I am coming into my own. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my skin, and the things in life that used to terrify me don't bother me as much. So, I can't complain. I'm sure there so many people in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and so forth who want to slap people in their 20's for complaining about getting old. Puh-lease. 20's is not old!

Here is my birthday mani!

This was a layering experiment. It is 1 coat Orly Androgynie, 2 coats Butter London The Black Knight, 1 coat Rainbow Honey The Worst Possible Thing, and finally 1 coat of Hits Phenomena Afterglow.

This is so awesome! I need to layer glitters more, you can really come up with some neat results!

I don't have really any big birthday plans. I think a nice dinner, cake, and some shopping will be in the cards. My boyfriend has made it a tradition every year to bake me a cake. He's not a baker or anything, but they're always delicious and it's sweet of him to do it.

Yay! Happy Birthday to me! I normally wouldn't be all like "yay me!" and stuff, but it's my birthday I give myself permission to be a little selfish. It's allowed on your birthday...right? :P

Happy Thursday!