Today is my 26th birthday. That is kind of scary. I actually don't mind getting older, but how fast time goes by these days is scary. I remember being little and a year felt like the equivalent of what 4 years feels like now. A year now feels like the equivalent of 6 months. Does that make any sense? I haven't even had any birthday drinks yet, and I'm blabbering away!
As I said I don't mind getting older. The older I get the more I am coming into my own. I'm starting to feel more comfortable in my skin, and the things in life that used to terrify me don't bother me as much. So, I can't complain. I'm sure there so many people in the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's, and so forth who want to slap people in their 20's for complaining about getting old. Puh-lease. 20's is not old!
Here is my birthday mani!
This was a layering experiment. It is 1 coat Orly Androgynie, 2 coats Butter London The Black Knight, 1 coat Rainbow Honey The Worst Possible Thing, and finally 1 coat of Hits Phenomena Afterglow.
This is so awesome! I need to layer glitters more, you can really come up with some neat results!
I don't have really any big birthday plans. I think a nice dinner, cake, and some shopping will be in the cards. My boyfriend has made it a tradition every year to bake me a cake. He's not a baker or anything, but they're always delicious and it's sweet of him to do it.
Yay! Happy Birthday to me! I normally wouldn't be all like "yay me!" and stuff, but it's my birthday I give myself permission to be a little selfish. It's allowed on your birthday...right? :P
Happy Thursday!