I really couldn't find what I was looking for anywhere, but then I came across Khroma Beauty nail polishes at CVS. That's when I found it, the answer to my very dire and life altering nail polish problem--Khroma Fairy Dust! Khroma Beauty is a Kardashian brand. The Kardashians mean about as much to me at the tissue I just blew my nose in, but this polish is nice.
Fairy Dust--Skittles over Essie In the Cab-Ana, Come Here, First Timer, and Under Where?
Below, I used it to add some glitter accents to China Glaze Tart-y for the Party. I apologize for the bad phone pic.
Fairy Dust is a gold glitter in a clear base.
Color: This is a cooler-toned gold. Fairy Dust leans more to the champagne gold side which I find makes it more flattering. I love this color, and I love the finish. I honestly in my 1,100 bottles of nail polish don't have an exact glitter like this. I'm not saying there isn't one, but for me it was a good find.
Formula: The formula on this was fine. It was a pinch on the thicker side, but it did the job. No major complaints, but not perfect either.
Price: This was around $6 at CVS. The price I find a bit steep for a drugstore polish, but I'm always using CVS ExtraCare bucks when I buy any cosmetics there to offset some of the costs.
Overall: I really like this glitter, but I know this was something I was looking for and needed. This clearly isn't a hot color of the season or anything overly special. I do think it's a great glitter to have on a hand to for nail art or layering. I'm happy to have it.
My Rating: 4.5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Tuesday!