I've been to various drugstores,Targets, and Walmarts overtime and every cosmetics line has its core line of nail polish colors. What I do notice is there are hardly ever any blog posts swatching or reviewing these. I can understand why, most people want to see new products and new innovative colors. I get it and I do too!I also know that many of these core line colors I have and I adore.
I decided today that I think I'm going to do a series of reviews/swatches on some of these core line colors from various drugstore brands. Many of these colors are great to have in your stash for various occasions, there are also some hidden gems, and finally many of these colors are dupes for brands that maybe harder to find or more expensive. I figure I may do posts like this twice a month. I hope you all find these posts to be informative and helpful. Please, let me know if you find this boring. I know these aren't the latest and greatest trendy colors, but I find them practical, wearable, and lovely colors to have in your collection. Plus, you may find one that to you is a real winner over some of the more popular colors.
Note: These are all colors you can find currently. I've seen them in multiple drugstores and places like Target and Walmart. They are easy to find and obviously they're still around because people like them! :)Starting out today I'm going to show you 4 Revlons...

Vixen is a deep burgundy color and almost jelly-like. It's rich sexy color in my opinion, but not over the top! This is 2 coats and I think it would be better with 3.
Berry Delicious

Berry Delicious is a dusty mauve color with a subtle silvery shimmer. I think this would be a very work appropriate color. It's also one of those colors that would go great with anything.
Midnight Affiar

Midnight affair is a rich deep sapphire blue. It is GORGEOUS. It also has a blue shimmer throughout which really intensifies this polish. Even though it's blue I do think it's very wearable, it's not bright or overbearing. It's a very sophisticated blue.
Raven Red

Raven Red is more of a blue-toned creme. It's the type of red that doesn't scream out "I'm Red!!!", but it still a beautiful color. I definitely suggest this one those who want to wear red, but don't want to wear an traffic stopping red. Again, it's very wearable and practical.
That's all for today. I hope you will enjoy this series and find it helpful. I want to thank those of you who have made comments on my blog recently. It really means a lot to hear your thoughts and to know that many of us have shared experiences. I'm very happy to be able to finally share my this funny hobby with you readers!
Have a great Thursday!