Showing posts with label maya cosmetics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maya cosmetics. Show all posts

Friday, March 28, 2014

Maya Cosmetics Sprummer Collection (4 of 7)

* I received the following products in exchange for my honest review. 

I have for you today some of the shades from Maya Cosmetic's "Sprummer" release. This release is a collaboration of spring and summer shades, hence the name. This collection is scheduled to be released on April 4th.

Beach Baby
Beach Baby is a full-coverage glitter blend of bronze, sand, pink, and orange glitters in a shimmery bronze base. (2 coats)

Beyond the Pale
Beyond the Pale is a coral orange jelly base with pink and peach micro flakes. (3 coats)

Zazzy is a orchid foil with micro fine holographic glitter. (2 coats)

Ethereal is a golden base with peachy-gold sheen and a scattered holo finish. (2 coats)

Colors: What surprised and impressed me with these colors is how they captured the nude color trend. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but I'm seeing a lot of nudes in cosmetics lately. I've never really seen a indie tackle nude shades before and these are great.  Ethereal and Beach Baby are excellent blingy and fun takes on nude! Zazzy and Beyond the Pale while not nudes, are more subdued and fit with nude/neutral theme of this selection of colors.

Formula: The formula on all of these was good and easy to apply. Beach Baby and Zazzy definitely need top coat though as they dry matte.

Price: The full size polishes will be $9.50 each on the Maya Cosmetics website on April 4th.

Overall: I really enjoyed these colors from this collection, they're unexpected and preform well. Beach Baby is probably my favorite in the bunch.

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to follow Maya Cosmetics on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Happy Friday!

Friday, January 24, 2014

Maya Cosmetics Wyoming Skies

Bloggers? Have you ever had a polish swatch disappear into oblivion? Well, sometimes my brain shuts off and I save a swatch photo to the wrong folder, and it goes missing for months...maybe even a year. This is what happened with this next polish. I knew I had swatched it and uploaded it because I have notes on it in my blog notebook, but some how it turned up in folder full of Disney pictures from 2008. I found it today. I'm glad I did because it's a pretty polish!

Maya Cosmetics Wyoming Skies over NYC Boat Basin
Wyoming Skies is a mix of blue, caramel, and warm pink glitters in a clear base.

Color: I'm a bit bias on this because blues mixed with golds,bronzes, or brown tones is one of my all time favorite color combinations. I love the mix of cool and warm tones in this glitter, it makes it look ritzy and lush!

Formula: This is a very well packed glitter, but very easy to use and apply. I used one coat above.

Price: This is $9.50 on the Maya Cosmetics website.

Overall: Beautiful glitter topper with a great mix of colors and formula.

My Rating 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Maya Cosmetics New Fall Colors & Top Coat

* I received the following products in exchange for my honest review by Maya Cosmetics.

I have some brand new fall nail polishes to share with you from Maya Cosmetics today. These polishes release today! Also, Maya Cosmetics is currently running a 25% OFF your entire purchase between now and Monday, September 30th. The sale will apply to the new colors and the new top coat.

Let's get right into it!

Glitter is the New Black
Glitter is the New Black is a black base with black, silver, silver holo, purple holo, pink, and orange micro glitters.

En Fuego
En Fuego is a muted orange jelly with gold, orange, and bronze glitters and a subtle scattered holo.

Stargazing deep blue base with silver micro glitter. it’s a night sky polish.

Maya Cosmetics Top Coat
Colors: Awesome mix of colors here. I love all of these! Glitter is the New Black is a excellent mix of black and holo glitter. En Fuego is the perfect color for autumn with a nice touch of sparkle. Stargazer is to die for gorgeous. This one reminds me so much of the coveted and unattainable Essie Starry Starry Night. They're not exact dupes according to Pointless Cafe, but I am completely satisfied!

Formula: I liked the formula on all of these. Glitter is the New Black and En Fuego I used 2 coats for the swatches. Stargazer I used 3. The formula on the nail colors were easy to apply and use. The top coat was a breeze to use as well, and dried around the same rate as other popular quick dry top coats. I've been wearing the top coat on my current mani for the past 3 days, and I do not have any chips or shrinkage at all.

Price: $9.50 per bottle on the nail colors and $4.00 for the top coat, but remember the 25% OFF fall special between now and the 30th. You will need to use the code FALLSPECIAL. You can purchase on the Maya Cosmetics website.

Overall: Excellent colors. Great formula. All around, I'm impressed with Maya Cosmetics again! There are actually more colors in this collection so be sure to check out the website.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Be sure to follow Maya Cosmetics on Facebook!

* I received the above products to review by Maya Cosmetics. 

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Maya Cosmetics Once in a Lullaby

I think we all are aware there is not any shortage of rainbow glitters out there these days. Mainstream brands, drugstore brands, and indie brands all have rainbow glitters. I love them, but I like to see a different twist on them. I found that different twist in a rainbow glitter with Maya Cosmetics Once in a Lullaby.

Once in a Lullaby over NYC Tudor City Teal
Once in a Lullaby is mixture of rainbow satin glitter and micro holo glitter in a clear base.

I really can't help but smile at this polish. This isn't an in your face blingtastic glitter, and that is why I like it! Once in a Lullaby is very a soft and sweet glitter. The name suits it perfectly. Whenever I pick up this polish, that song "Once Upon a December" pops in my head from that animated movie Anastasia. I guess the name of the polish makes me think of that, and that song is very lullaby-esqe :). I used 2 coats in the swatch above, and it applied beautifully!

Because it's in your head now too....

I purchased this polish on the Maya Cosmetics website. Maya Cosmetics polishes are $9.50 each. 

Happy Wednesday! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Maya Cosmetics March Releases

Today, I have for you some new colors by Maya Cosmetics! I adore Maya Cosmetics. I can always count on them to create inventive, fun, and well formulated nail polishes. I have not been let down yet. Without further ado...

Imagine, Parrot Trooper, Reef, Cupcake Violent, and Daydreaming

First, I want to show you that Maya Cosmetics now has cute little tags attached to their bottles!

These tags have their name, ingredients, and other brand information inside of them.

Imagine is a sheer white base with micro iridescent and white glitters, yellow, white, aqua, green, lavender, and pink glitters mixed in. Imagine can be found here.

Parrot Trooper
Parrot Trooper is a bright coral orange with gold, purple, and light green shimmer flakes. Parrot Trooper can be found here.

Reef is turquoise blue with yellow-green and bronze shimmer. Reef can be found here.

Cupcake Violent
Cupcake Violent is a lavender base with holo micro glitter, silver glitter, scattered holo pigment, and violet shimmer. Cupcake Violent can be found here.

Daydreaming is a sheer sky blue base with blue shimmer and white, teal, purple, and pink satin glitter. Daydreaming can be found here.

Colors/Finishes: There is an amazing selection of colors here. I love the mix of soft springy shades with some more punchy bright colors. I love the finishes. There are some glitters, shimmers, and flakes all in the mix. I love how Maya Cosmetics does glitters. There are plenty of glitter bomb options out there in indie world, but I love how Maya Cosmetics opts to do some more subtle and softer takes on glitters.

Formula: I liked the formula on these. I will say I did find Imagine trickier to apply than others. That being said, it wasn't at all unmanageable. Imagine will just take a little more care applying than the others. The rest of these polishes applied great and easily. No complaints!

Overall: These are wonderful new additions to the Maya Cosmetics line. There are others new polishes too be sure to browse the site for more! I love the combination of colors and finishes on these. If you had me pick favorites of this bunch I'd go with Parrot Trooper, Reef, and Daydreaming! That shimmer in Reef is ah-mazing!

You can purchase these polishes for $9.50ea on the Maya Cosmetics website.

Be sure to follow Maya Cosmetics' BlogFacebook, and Twitter.

*These products were sent to me for my honest review by Maya Cosmetics.

Happy Thursday!

Monday, January 14, 2013

New Maya Cosmetic Polishes!

I have some new Maya Cosmetics polishes to share with you today! I posted a review of some previous Maya Cosmetics polishes in November. If you'd like to see that post you can find them here. All the polishes I am showing you today are available in the shop now!

The following polishes are part of the Crescent City collection. All of these polishes will be limited edition with the exception of Treme which I reviewed in my November post.

Big Chief

Big Chief is a bright blue jelly base with silver micro glitter, hot pink, orange, and yellow glitter.

I really love the bright blue jelly base on this polish. The formula on this was so smooth and easy to work with.  I used 3 coats. A great application with a jelly glitter polish always makes me happy. I would recommend you let this bottle sit upside down for a minute or two to let the glitters disperse better in the polish. This is a very workable polish though, so you really do not need to let it sit upside down for more than a minute!

Let the Good Times Roll over Cult Nails Nevermore

Let the Good Times Roll is a mixture of gold holo, purple, green and black glitters in a clear base.

I used 2 coats with this one. This is a great combination of colors that is clearly perfect for Mardi Gras. I love the varied glitter sizes.

Cookin' Creole

Cookin' Creole is a mixture of pink shimmer, green, brown, pink, and white glitters in a light brown jelly base.

This is really a unique polish. I was really impressed with the jelly formula with this. I used 3 coats here that applied evenly and smoothly. The pink shimmer is a really nice unexpected addition to this polish. I will say, this is probably not the best color on my skin tone, but I bet it would look great on a many others!

These next two polishes will be permanent polishes with Maya Cosmetics.

Grayscale over Zoya Kelly

Grayscale is a mixture of gunmetal, white, and black small and micro glitters in a clear base.

Hello and welcome to amazing! This polish is awesome! I used 2 coats here, so it can really build up nicely.  I added top coat to this, but on its own it definitely resembles the "Liquid Sand" texture we are seeing that is on trend now. I really absolutely adore this so much that I cannot think of anything else I could add.

For Michelle

For Michelle is a muted rosy red with a subtle pink and silver shimmer.

This is not your standard red. This red has this slight muted quality that takes it away from the traditional reds you see. The pink shimmer throughout is a beautiful and unexpected touch. This applied really well, and this is nice transition from your typical glitter bomb indies. All the profits from the sales of For Michelle will be divided between the Wounded Warriors Project and the Fisher House Foundation. If you'd like to read the story behind For Michelle, you can find it here.

You can purchase these polishes for $8.00 on the Maya Cosmetics website (I will warn you prices will be raised to $9.50 for all polishes effective Feb 1st, so this would be good time to buy!).

I am again very impressed with Maya Cosmetics. What really stands out to me with these polishes is the formulation. They are well made and so easy to use. I'm not a fan of having to work with my polish to make it look right, but Maya Cosmetics polishes are effortless!

You can purchase Maya Cosmetics on their website.
Follow Maya Cosmetics on Facebook and Twitter.
Keep up to date with Maya Cosmetics on their news blog.

*I received these products for my honest review by Maya Cosmetics. 

Happy Monday!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Maya Cosmetics Polishes

I have some polishes from Maya Cosmetics to share with you today. Kat from Maya Cosmetics kindly asked me to review some of polishes, and I happily agreed. When I opened up my package I was welcomed by these beautiful polishes.

Nefarious Aquarius, Redemption, and Treme

Nefarious Aquarius

This is available starting today, November 15th. It will be $9. 

Nefarious Aquarius is dusty teal scattered holo.

Nefarious Aquarius, what a great name. This is a neat color for a scattered holographic polish. It is a beautiful muted teal which is not something I've seen paired with a holo before. The formula on this was amazing! I was really surprised. I'm used to scattered holos being kind of sheer and to have an uneven application. This was not like that at all, it was a 2 coater, smooth, and had even coverage. 

Redemption & Treme

Redemption and Treme will be part of an upcoming collection in January called the Crescent City Collection.  This collection is inspired by New Orleans, a city filled with mixed culture and brass bands. Both of these polishes will be available for preorder starting today, November 15th- November 25th. They will ship on or before December 5th. After the preorder dates, they will not be available to purchase again until January. Hurry up and pick up these two during the preorder. They will make excellent holiday polishes! These will be $8 each. 

Redemption over Cult Nails Nevermore

One coat of Redemption on its own

Redemption is a mixture of varying sized black black glitters, white holo hexes, gold holo hexes, white squares, gold hexes, and a prominent golden shimmer in a clear base.

This is a polished inspired by the New Orleans Saints. This is meant to be layered. I wanted to show you a swatch of it alone so you could see what I meant. This is gorgeous. This is a beautiful combination of colors and glitters. I love the addition of the shimmer in this polish, it really makes it so special. I like when indie makers add that extra special shimmer into their glitter polishes. I used 2 coats here, but you could easily be satisfied with one. I love sparkle, so 2 coats made it that much better! The formula was easy to work with. I didn't have to fish for glitters which is a plus.


Treme over Cult Nails Nevermore

Treme is champagne-golden full coverage glitter speckled with purple, blue, green, and red glitters.

Treme is inspired by a neighborhood in New Orleans influenced by brass bands. This is a full coverage glitter. You will get opaque coverage 2-3 coats depending on if you use thin coats or thick coats. The formula on this was smooth, and easy to work with it. I did not find it thick or tricky like some other glitter bomb polishes. I love the other colored glitters added to the gold glitter base, they really make this polish pop! You could wear this on its own, but if you want to have some added depth you can layer it. I have one coat layered over black above so yo could see how amazing it is layered too! 

I really enjoyed these polishes. They are thoughtfully made. The colors are unique and inspired. The formula is top notch. My experience with Maya Cosmetics was a great one, and I'm very impressed! 

These polishes can be purchased on Maya Cosmetics' website. You can also follow Maya Cosmetics' Facebook and Blog

* I received these polishes to review honestly by Maya Cosmetics.

Happy Thursday!