* I received the following polish in exchange for my honest review.
I have a Native War Paints polish to share with you today I received at Cosmoprof last summer. Yes, I still have some Cosmoprof polishes laying around to review. I love Native War Paints because I think they're definitely the queen of shimmers when it comes to indies. They really know how to make great shimmers and I don't see shimmers often in the indie world. This one is from their past fall collection
My Favorite Sweater and Jeans
My Favorite Sweater and Jeans is teal with blue shimmer.
Collection: Denim Fall 2016
Color: I can't say I'm a big fan of this color. It's not a bad color it's just not doing much for me. I prefer a more contrasting shimmer and the shimmer in this is really close to the base color. I also find this shimmer to go a bit frosty as you can see the brush strokes on my nails. The blue shimmer isn't really working for me.
Formula: This had a nice and easy to use 3 coat formula.
Price: This is $9.00 on the Native War Paints website.
Overall: I think this is a nice color. There isn't anything wrong with it, it's just not my cup of tea. The shimmer is too pronounced and I don't think I really like blue shimmer. It's just not adding much to the polish as far as depth and interest. The shimmer is more distracting in this color. This just isn't for me color wise, all other aspects of it are good.
My Rating: 3 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Thursday!