Showing posts with label native war paints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label native war paints. Show all posts

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Native War Paints My Favorite Sweater and Jeans

* I received the following polish in exchange for my honest review.

I have a Native War Paints polish to share with you today I received at Cosmoprof last summer. Yes, I still have some Cosmoprof polishes laying around to review. I love Native War Paints because I think they're definitely the queen of shimmers when it comes to indies. They really know how to make great shimmers and I don't see shimmers often in the indie world. This one is from their past fall collection

My Favorite Sweater and Jeans
My Favorite Sweater and Jeans is teal with blue shimmer.

Collection: Denim Fall 2016

Color: I can't say I'm a big fan of this color. It's not a bad color it's just not doing much for me. I prefer a more contrasting shimmer and the shimmer in this is really close to the base color. I also find this shimmer to go a bit frosty as you can see the brush strokes on my nails. The blue shimmer isn't really working for me. 

Formula: This had a nice and easy to use 3 coat formula.

Price: This is $9.00 on the Native War Paints website

Overall: I think this is a nice color. There isn't anything wrong with it, it's just not my cup of tea. The shimmer is too pronounced and I don't think I really like blue shimmer. It's just not adding much to the polish as far as depth and interest. The shimmer is more distracting in this color. This just isn't for me color wise, all other aspects of it are good.

My Rating: 3 out of 5 Paint Splatters

Happy Thursday! 

Monday, April 4, 2016

Native War Paints Sweater Dress

I have another Native War Paints polish to share with you today. I will say after trying my second polish from the brand I can 100% confirm that Native War Paints is the absolute queen of shimmers. I heard angels singing when I put on this polish and I still think I hear some. This is one of those "it" polishes that will be forever revered in my nail polish collection.

Sweater Dress
Sweater Dress is a royal purple with an intense golden shimmer.

Collection: Native War Paints Cozy Sweater Collection Fall 2015

Color: Do you hear the angels too? Look at this polish! It is heavenly. I love this purple shade, but that shimmer? It is the best shimmer I've ever seen in nail polish, hands down. The end. This is the absolute best. 

Formula: Excellent formula. It was easy to apply and I used 2 coats. 

Price: This is $8.50 on Native War Paint's site

Overall: Go click the link above and buy this polish now. You needed it yesterday. I'm sad I didn't get it when it was released last year because it would of been on my Top 25 of 2015 list for sure. This is an insanely beautiful polish. This is an absolute must have! 

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Monday! 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Native War Paints Stripped Stephanie

I have new to me indie brand polish to share with you today. Native War Paints has been on my radar since last fall. There is one type of polish finish I don't see in the indie market that much and that's shimmers. Native War Paints seems to have taken on the shimmer category and frankly I haven't seen shimmers this incredible ever. The Nude Collection recently caught my eye and inspired me to try this brand. Yes, this polish having my name it in provided a certain pull, but the color is also incredible.

Stripped Stephanie
Stripped Stephanie is smokey mauve base with an intense coppery golden shimmer.

Collection: Native War Paints The Nudes Collection Winter 2016

Color: Now we're talking! This is a stunning color especially for a neutral. I love nudes/neutral colors that have some special quality to them that makes them unique. I love the base color of this as it's flattering color on me which can be hard with colors in this category. The shimmer in this is absolutely stunning and I rarely if not ever have seen an indie with incredible shimmer like this. Wow!

Formula: This had an excellent and easy to use formula. I used 2 coats above.

Price: What's even better is the price? This is $6 on the Native War Paints site. I can't tell you the last time I saw an indie polish especially one with shimmer that was $6.

Overall: I love Stripped Stephanie. This is a beautiful neutral color with a magical shimmer for the indie record books in my opinion. I'm very impressed with this brand and how they offer something unique in a market that can get somewhat repetitive these days. This is a must have!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 *Golden* Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday!