Showing posts with label sonnetarium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sonnetarium. Show all posts

Saturday, December 20, 2014

HPB Presents: Winter Mani

It's time for another Hobby Polish Bloggers link-up! Hobby Polish Bloggers is a group I founded on Facebook  for prospective, new, and long-time nail polish bloggers who blog mainly for fun or solely as a hobby. Hobby Polish Bloggers offers members a welcoming, friendly, and supporting environment for any type of blogger.

This month's link-up theme is a holiday or winter themed mani. I had a lot of fun doing this mani. I went the route of winter, and loved this mani so much I wore it for an entire week! I didn't want to take it off.

Polishes Used: KBShimmer Too Cold To Hold and Sonnetarium Snowfall

Manicure Description: I painted my base using KBShimmer Too Cold To Hold, and created some snowy glitter gradient tips using Sonnetarium Snowfall.

Check out my HPB friend's link-up posts below!