Sunday, December 19, 2010

Barielle Elle's Spell

I've never tried Barielle polish before, so this was first experience. When I first saw Elle's Spell on peoples blogs I knew I had to have it. It's red and it's a flakie! What a great combo!

Elle's Spell

Elle's Spell is a red jelly base with red iridescent flakies.

I like this polish. I didn't have a chance to layer it over other colors, but I'm sure it would look great over almost anything. Of course, I wish it was more like it was in the bottle on the nail, but I'm not disappointed. I still love it even if it's a on the sheer side. It's definitely a color you don't see often.

Happy Sunday!

Friday, December 17, 2010

OPI Ski Teal We Drop

I first want to start off by wishing my Dad a Happy Birthday!!! I know he reads my blog among the many other things he does for me. I'm really lucky to have such a wonderful Dad. I hope he has a great birthday!

Ski Teal We Drop is from OPI's Swiss Collection in fall. This has taken me forever to post about because it's one of those colors that I don't have much to say on. I absolutely love this color, so it doesn't need to be embellished by many words. :P

Ski Teal We Drop
Ski Teal We Drop is a dark teal creme.

Yep, that's about it. It's a gorgeous creme and teal is one of my favorite colors. I don't know what more I can add?

Happy Friday!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Zoya Savita

Purple was my favorite color growing up. I still have a strong attachment to the color. There are so many amazing purple polishes out there, but this next one I was blown away by. This is probably the perfect purple for me.

Zoya Savita
This is one of the polishes that dries matte. I put top coat over it on my ring and pinky fingers. Savita is a grape purple with a light purple/pink shimmer.

Yes, I am in love. The depth of this color is glorious. It's that perfect shade of purple I love. It's not too light..not to dark and it shimmers just right. Yes, Savita and I may need some time alone. Just kidding!

What is your favorite purple?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Zoya Akyra

I have finished my final exams! No more school until January 10th. I know I'm waiting on one more grade. If I get an A in that class I would have got all A's this semester! Yay! It's time for some Zoya today.


Akyra is a teal shimmer in a dark blue/black base.

This color is very unique. The lighter shimmer against the dark base gives it beautiful depth. I love blue-greens like this they are very reminiscent of the sea and makes me think of mermaids. I don't see much hype about this color, but I'd rank it up in there as one of my favorite Zoyas!

Happy Wednesday!
 P.S. Please forgive me for my lack of replying to comments. I'm in the middle of exam week. I will catch up soon!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wet n' Wild Prancer & Disney Xmas (Pic Heavy)

Prancer is part the Wet n' Wild holiday stuff they released. I think they released a color for every reindeer. This is my favorite because it killed my lemming for Lippmann Ruby Red Slippers!

Prancer over WnW Black Creme

Prancer is small red glitter and large red hexagonal glitter in a clear base. Very pretty!

Last night my BF and I went to Downtown Disney. It's a shopping area with restaurants outside the Disney parks. The perk about Downtown Disney is you don't have to pay admission to go in. It's nice way to get a taste of Disney magic without the heavy price tag. Here are some pics of the pretty decorations!

We did some shopping. We went to this store Basin, which is very similar to Lush. I actually prefer Basin. Basin has a wider selection of scents, and their prices are much more reasonable. However, they only have locations in at Disney in Florida, Disney in California, & at the Canal Shoppes in Las Vegas. They are online though!

We got one of these fresh cut soaps that come in giant bars we cut it in half when we got home. This is in "Pikake".  Pikake is a type of jasmine flower that is used in lei flowers. This has a very tropical floral scent. I remember buying a lot Pikake scented stuff when I was in Hawaii a few years ago. We also got some shampoo bars. We got 4 for $25!

Egg Noggin' this is supposed remove oil while adding egg protein to your hair, Good Hair Day this is a citrus blend for all hair types, and the last two are Moroccan Mud this one is for my BF and men it has musky scent with aloe vera.

Finally, we had to get a treat at the end of the night!
This is  Mickey shaped Rice Crispie treat covered in different types of chocolate, Christmas sprinkles, and sugar snowflake. Yum!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Would you be interested in me doing a review on the Basin shampoo bars?

Happy Tuesday!