Sunday, October 11, 2015

Weekly Wax Wrap Up: 10/4/15-10/11-15

It's been an interesting melting week. I went through a lot of wax this week. All the wax I melted this week were new to me scents that I never tried. I'm not going to like every scent I get even if I like it on first sniff. Sometimes scents can be too overpowering when melted, some I just flat out realize I didn't like in the first place, and some I realize while I may like them in small doses my entire living room smelling like them isn't ideal. 

I had a few of those instances with some of the wax I melted this week. I also had some amazing all stars too! Let's get started!
Ten Digit Creations Cranberry Cinnamon Cider
Scent Description: tart cranberry and spicy cinnamon cider with notes of bergamot and lemon
My Thoughts: Amazing! This was one of my all stars this week. This s a perfect balance of cranberry, cinnamon, and cider. They all balance each other out to create a very warm, cozy, and festive scent. This scent is rich and deep without being the least bit overpowering. This would be a perfect holiday scent for sure.  

Ten Digit Creations Basil Sage and Mint
Scent Description: soothing blend of fresh basil, herbal sage, and cool mint
My Thoughts:  I loved this scent when I smelled it on cold (before melting). It has a really nice herbaceous mint scent that is clean and refreshing. This smells similar to those high end shampoos they use on you at a salon. When I melted this, I still liked it, but I got tired of it quickly. I like herbal/minty scents, but the herb notes in here are just little heavy for me for a home fragrance. I like this in small doses though, and I think it's better scent for me in bath & body products. 

Ten Digit Creations North Pole
Scent Description: snow on the ground, frosty chill in the air, and Santa's secret forest in the distance
My Thoughts: This is another one of those nondescript scents that I had to take a gamble on. I really love this scent. It really smells like a cold and blustery day with pine trees. There are a lot of airy wintery notes with this mixed with that holiday greenery scent. I love this combination. It's very invigorating and Christmas-y at the same time. My only complain is that it wasn't very strong when melted. I wish this had a stronger throw because it would definitely be a favorite then. 

Better Homes & Gardens Spicy Cinnamon Stick
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: I love those cinnamon pine cone craft store smells. This was what I got when I sniffed this on cold. It's straight up cinnamon stick. That being said, when melted this is just way too strong and spicy for me. I shouldn't of expected less really, but I realized this is one of those scents I like to get a whiff of every so often, but don't want to drown my house in it. I think I prefer when cinnamon is blended with other notes. This is why I loved it in Cranberry Cinnamon Cider.

Better Homes & Gardens Harvest Berry Pumpkin
Scent Description: N/A
My Thoughts: I didn't even like this on cold sniff, but I bought it anyways in hopes that it might come together when melting. No, it didn't. This is nasty. This smells exactly like Flintstones vitamins. It's so disgustingly artificial smelling that I just can't even. There is nothing harvest, berry, or pumpkin about this at all. This is just nasty. 

Ten Digit Creations Butterscotch Pudding
Scent Description: swirls of sweet golden butter, thick cream, and pure white sugar crystals
My Thoughts: I bought this one for a reason. I've been obsessed with Bath & Body Work's Maple Sugar Kiss hand soap, which I've heard compares to the scent of butterscotch pudding. Naturally, loving that scent so much I wanted to try it in home fragrance. This melt is just way too strong and sugary for me. This literally gave me a stomachache while melting it. I had to toss it, it was just way too strong. It's not a bad smell at all, it's just to much for me. This is another one of those scent while I may like it in small doses, it doesn't work as home fragrance for me. It's just too much. I'll stick to it in hand soap! 

Ten Digit Creations Plumberry Spice
Scent Description: plump berries mixed with warm spices and a touch of spruce
My Thoughts: Love Plumberry Spice! Bath & Body Works Merry Mistletoe is my all time favorite scent in the entire universe. This isn't a dupe to it, but it's in the same vein. Merry Mistletoe has a sweet citrus note, whereas Plumberry Spice has a sweet berry note. They're cousins in my opinion. The sweet berry note is the strongest, but it's blended beautifully with the spice and spruce. It's a very bright, sweet, festive, and cozy scent all in one. I adore this one! 

Ten Digit Creations October Breeze
Scent Description: inhale deeply and experience the aromas of cool nights, falling leaves, and a hidden path in the woods lined with dark berries
My Thoughts: This is another nondescript scent. I wanted to like this so bad. I don't know what it is but this has a very sweet woodsy note to it. Whatever that scent note is it's familiar to me but I can't pinpoint it. It doesn't agree with my nose though at all unfortunately. I'm wondering if it's patchouli which I used to like, but no longer can stand. There are some other nice scent notes in this that are very fall-like, but that sweet woodsy note just overpowers it for me. 

It was a whirlwind week of wax. There were a few hits and sadly a lot of misses. Cranberry Cinnamon Cider, Plumberry Spice, and North Pole were winners for me this week. While I did not care for some of the other scents, none of them were bad or poor quality with the exception of the Better Homes and Gardens Harvest Berry Pumpkin. The others just I realized I prefer in smaller doses or just had some scent note that I didn't care for. You may like them! 

You can purchase Ten Digit Creations here. Better Homes & Gardens can be purchased at Walmart. 

Happy Sunday! 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Northern Star Pumpkins and Stuff

It seemed like it was trying to be fall earlier this week. Florida standards trying to be fall is something under 85 degrees with under 70% humidity. We had some lower 80's this week with lower humidity and it was nice. Now it's back to upper 80's with higher humidity and it's gross again.

I'll have to hold out for fall until November. I don't even need what people really consider fall. I'll take temps in the 70's and lower humidity! Anyways, despite it not being fall-like outdoors I make it that way indoors. I have my Halloween and fall decor up. I'm melting fall scents in my wax warmer. I'm wearing fall nail polish colors. This Northern Star polish is one I recently added to my stash!

Pumpkins and Stuff
Pumpkins and Stuff is golden shimmer base with burnt orange, blue, brown, pink, and gold micro glitters.

Collection: Northern Star Polish Fall 2015

Color: This is the perfect fall combination of glitters. I love the overall golden warm hue of this glitter with the addition of the blue and pink glitters. Those contrasting colors really liven up this glitter and give it some depth and added beauty!

Formula: This is advertised as a glitter topper. It can be used as such, and you would really only need one coat as this glitter is dense. I preferred it as a full coverage glitter. I used 3 coats here above. You will not get 100% coverage, but I feel like the coverage is enough where from any normal distance you view your nails it will look completely covered. The formula was easy to use and glitter was very easy to apply.

Price: This is $9.00 on Northern Star's etsy site.

Overall: I love this glitter! This is the perfect fall glitter and I like that it can be worn full coverage. The color of this glitter is beautiful. It has the perfect base of fall tones with hints of contrasting colors that make this beautiful and special. Great glitter for fall all around!

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Glam Polish Sealiest Thing I've Ever Heard

Glam Polish has been on my radar for a long time. Every collection that has been released looks like a stunner, but they knock out so many collections so often it's just hard to keep up. I'm very all or nothing. If I can't have them all, I don't want any. It's just too hard to make decisions.

I decided to force myself to make some decisions recently and pick up a few colors. I wanted everything in stock of course, but I could only have a few. I started out with the Under the Sea collection that was released in August to pick out my first few Glam Polishes, this is one of that lot.

Sealiest Thing I've Ever Heard
Sealiest Thing I've Ever Heard is a baby pink holo with purple glitters.

Collection: Glam Polish Under the Sea August 2015

Color: I took a gamble on this color. These pale pinks and purples can either be a hit or a miss on my skin tone. This one didn't clash too much though and I like it! I like the soft subtle color and the contrasting darker glitter. I have to be honest though, I am a bit let down. I feel like many of the photos I saw of this collection looked way more sparkly than the real life result. This is still an absolutely beautiful and top notch polish, but I was expecting it to knock my socks off. It's lovely, but it did not blow me away.

Formula: The formula on this was good and easy to use. I used 2 coats.

Price: This is $11.00 on the Glam Polish site.

Overall: I really do like the Sealiest Thing I've Ever Heard. I don't want my words to get misconstrued because this is definitely a gorgeous polish. I've just been oogling over this brand for so long and have been mesmerized by the beautiful swatches. I just think the sparkle factor in this is a little more subdued in real life than I expected. I would still recommend this brand, but definitely look at a handful of swatches before making your decision!

My Rating: 4 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Link-Up Round-Up Tuesday: 10/6/15

If you want to submit a link for next week's link-up fill out the form below!

Manis & Makeovers Incidental Twin Nail Lacquer "Gravity" + freehanding

Claws Up! Makeup Looks: Brown Eyed Girl

B'Nails Drawing the Line

The Polish Playground Sky Blue Creme with Blinged Accent

Pointless Cafe 24 Nail Art Ideas for Halloween

Streets Ahead of Style New Canadian Indie: Fiendish Fancies Swatches and Review

JennyOctoNails #SinfulSeptember15: Cloudy Pond?

The Call of Beauty Check Nail Art

Lacquered Geek Digital Nails: Unicorn Soup

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Sinful Colors High Spirits

I realized how out of touch I was with drugstore polishes recently when I went to Walgreens. I just haven't bothered looking at nail polish much lately because nothing really stood out to me. I did spot some of the Sinful Colors Halloween displays on a recent trip and a few caught my eye. This is one of the colors I picked up.

High Spirits
High Spirits is a rich plum creme.

Collection: Sinful Colors Halloween 2015

Color: I know purple cremes are not very original. I'm sure this is dupeable, but this is a color that I didn't have in my stash. I love this plum shade. It's not too dark at all, and definitely reads as purple on the nail. I love this color, it's perfect for fall or winter.

Formula: This formula was nice and easy to use. I used 2 coats.

Price: This was $1.99 at Walgreens.

Overall: All around great purple creme. I love the color. The formula is great. Sinful Colors is a great go-to brand to look for cremes that you may not have in your stash. They have a great range and at an awesome price. You can''t go wrong with this color.

My Rating: 5 out of 5 Paint Splatters
Happy Saturday!