Thursday, April 5, 2012

Anna's Art Asylum Magnetic Pigments

Anna who has a shop on eBay who let me review some of her color-morphing pigments, now has some magnetic pigments up for sale! She asked me to review these pigments for you all, so that is what I have for you today.

To use these you just need to mix a few small scoops of the pigment with clear nail polish. Anna also says on her page you can add some of the color-morphing pigments or sparkles to the pigment. You can truly customize these, which is awesome. The only thing you will need is your own magnet. I used a magnet from an Icing magnetic polish in the following photos.


20 is a medium bronze shimmer, that brings out pale gold when the magnet is applied.


21 is a chocolate brown shimmer, that brings out a tan when the magnetic is applied.


22 is a deep plum, that brings out a lilac when the magnet is applied.


23 is an aubergine, that brings out a lavender when the magnetic is applied


24 is a murky dark blue-green, that brings out a teal when the magnet is applied.


25 is an olive green-gold, that brings out a gold when the magnet is applied.

I needed around 2-3 coats of each of these. These worked really easy with the magnetic. I was not waiting for the effect to show up for awhile or anything, it was almost instantaneous! These perform the same way as other magnetics, so you need to hold the magnetic over the polish when it's still wet! I do it immediately after I paint my nail. Magnetic polish takes practice though, especially if you have shaky hands like me. I tend to mess up with the magnetic and accidentally touch it to the nail, so it takes a bit of patience.

 I thought these were nice. These would be great if you're into frankening and creating your own polishes. My only complaint is I wish there were some other color choices. I'm not a big fan of brown shades, but that is personal preference.

 You can pick up 3 pigments of your choice for $10.99 or you can get all 6 pigments for $18.99. You will get 1 gram of each pigment. 1 gram of pigment will allow you to make multiple bottles. This price is incredible.  The 3 pigments choice alone, will allow you to make multiple custom bottles of magnetic polish for the price of just one magnetic polish you can buy in the store!

**These products were provided to me for review.

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

L.A. Girl Disco Brites-Hustle

I love when Cherry Culture has their 20% off sales. You can always count on them to have one at least every two months. What I like about Cherry Culture is they offer some small and sometimes unheard of nail polish brands like L.A. Colors, L.A. Splash, L.A. Girl, and NYX. The great thing about these brands is they have awesome color selections and are usually in the $2.00-$4.00. I picked up this L.A. Girl color during their last sale.


Hustle is a bright royal purple creme.

This part of the Disco Brites collection, which has around 24 shades. These are black light polishes, but I do not have a black light to test it out. This polish is vivid and bright. I am so in love with it. If you're a fan of colors like China Glaze Grape Pop, you will love this one. It more vibrant Grape Pop. This was $2.50 on Cherry Culture, but I really recommend you wait until they have another sale. I plan on picking up more from this collection because I cannot get enough of bright colors like this!

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Talk it Out Tuesday: Gaining Readership

*Let me preface this by saying, I am not anti-giveaway. I have had my share of giveaways, and I enjoy having them. In fact, I will be having a giveaway soon. My goal is not to eradicate giveaways with these posts, but rather look at other options to gain readership. 

The thing that trips me up lately is how many posts I'm seeing on Facebook and Twitter from new bloggers that say something like the following "Once I hit 100 followers (or whatever number) I will have a giveaway!". I even had people post things like that on my Facebook page, when I asked for people to share their blog links. It seems to be the new trend that some new bloggers are offering giveaway incentives so people will follow their blog.

I think what these newbie bloggers are missing is the real joy and rewarding experience blogging is when you gain your readers without the incentives and the promise of prizes. Blogs seems to be so giveaway driven lately, that perhaps some people do not know any other methods to gain readership. Instant gratification from a ton of likes or blog followers may feel good at first, but in the long run you may be lacking the substance from your readers and the blogging experience you may of originally planned on.

Here are some of the things I have recognized to be helpful in gaining readers outside of giveaways. None of these are quick fixes or will you get a large number of people fast, but if you're into the blogging thing for the long haul these will be beneficial and rewarding to you as your grow as a blogger.

1. Consistency- When you want to start a blog, figure out how it will fit into your life. Blogging will have to be put on your "to-do" list if you want to attract people towards you blog. People like to follow blogs that are consistent in their posting. This does not mean you have to post every single day, but a few times a week would be best. This may mean you have to cut out time in your life to blog or schedule posts in advance. The main thing is to find a schedule that works for you, and to stick to it. Long hiatuses or infrequent posts are one of the main reasons I do not follow blogs or unfollow them.

2. Personality- There is more to a nail polish blog than showing a picture of your nails and telling us what color it is. You have to spice it up, and it doesn't have to be anything big. All you have to do is to put yourself in your posts. If you're silly, be silly! If you're geeky, be geeky! If you have some little story to share about a polish, share your story. If you hate something, tell us how much you hate it! I let go of any hesitation in my posts, and just be my normal geeky self. This has been the biggest benefit to blogging for me because people get to know me, and I've found out people like me even if I'm weird and silly. They'll want to read your blog because you're so approachable, and they can relate to you. Keep it real though! Don't fake it, let go and be yourself!

3. Identity- Honestly, I hate the word "follower", it makes a blogger sound as if they're some celebrity or cult leader haha. I prefer readers. I never have assumed I am better than the people who read my blog. I'm an equal to them. I shop in the same stores, and hunt for the same nail polishes they do. I think people may see bloggers as a person of authority, but I do not see myself that way. I see myself as a friend sharing information with my other friends. Modesty and humility go a long way, even if your blog reaches 4,000 readers. Remember who you are and your role.

4. Engagement- No, I do not mean marry your readers. I mean engage with them! Your readers want to be appreciated and heard. Whether it be on Facebook, Twitter, or your blog ask your readers questions on occasion. You can ask them specific questions about products they like or just ask them what they had for lunch. It doesn't matter, but involve them in your world. You can also try to incorporate them in your blog. I do it with "Share With You Sunday", where people can share their links or pictures of their manicures. I genuinely like to know the thoughts of my readers, and enjoy seeing their creations. It's a win-win!

5. Originality- We all can review nail polish colors, but sometimes we need to separate ourselves from the pack. I do not do nail art. I do not have some awesome nail polish talent, so I rely on my personality to keep me relevant. I also came up with weekly or bi-weekly posts that vary up my routine. I have "Talk it Out Tuesday", "Bottle Spam Saturday". and "Share With You Sunday". These posts are different from my typical posts. This offers something different for my readers, and provides me with more opportunities to engage with them. You can have your own weekly themed posts or your blog can be focused on your talents (i.e. nail art, stamping, or etc). I see other bloggers do some of those 30 day or 10 day challenges or do weekly series. There are tons of options!

6. Integrity- Be up front with your readers. Disclose everything you need to disclose  (i.e. endorsements, paid ads, and product reviews). I know it can be difficult to review something honestly when it is provided to you. I had this experience with Butter London. I put off reviewing their top coat and base coat forever since it was sent to me for free. I had terrible luck with it, and I felt badly that I did not have anything positive to say about it, but I posted my honest review anyways. I have not heard from Butter London again, and I do not expect to, but being honest with my readers trumps free products in my book. You owe your readers honesty. They will respect you for that.

7. No Pressure- I still struggle with this sometimes! Your blog is your blog. It does not have to be like other blogs, and it can be however you want it to be. If you want to blog purely as a hobby and for fun, then do it! There are no requirements to be a PR maven or have a super professional blog. If your goal is for your blog to be professional and have involvement in the cosmetics industry then that is great too. I get intimidated a lot by bloggers who really are into the industry and their blog has given them a career path or some leg into the field.. I feel like "Should I be doing that?". No! I never wanted my blog to be anything other than my space to share my love of nail polish and make friends along the way. My blog is my little sanctuary where I feel comfortable letting loose and being myself. That's what my blog is, and your blog should be exactly what you want it to be, not what you feel it should be or how other people do their blogs. When you're doing what you love the way you want to do it, it is magnetizing. People will feed off your passion and want to support you whatever your goal may be.

*UPDATE* 8. Social Media- Utilize social media to your advantage. I recommend getting a Facebook page and a Twitter account for your blog. Be sure follow other bloggers on Twitter and Facebook, and chat with them. I do not mean spam your links with them, but take time to connect with them and get to know them. Other bloggers can help support you and your blog! Social media is also a great way to connect with your readers too. It is much more personal than a blog setting.

All of these things take time, trial and error, and patience, but they honestly will lead you in the right direction to having not only a successful blog, but a rewarding one. It will help you gain some amazing readers and commenters who will stand by you for YOU..not for what you can giveaway!  I actually got a little emotional writing this because of how much blogging has positively impacted my life. Blogging has been a life changing experience for me. When you blog from the heart being 100% yourself you will truly reap the rewards.

If anyone has anything else to add to this please let me know in the comments. Also, share your thoughts on this post too! I'd love to hear what you're thinking. 

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

LEX Cosmetics Tuilleries

You know those white polishes with the different color glitter in it that looks like Funfetti cake? I've always loved polishes like that. They are really cute polishes. The only problem is I do not like that the base it white. I think for most people this fine, but for me white is so stark against my skin it ends up making my hands look really red. When I saw LEX Cosmetics post a bottle shot of their newest polish Tuilleries I knew this is exactly what I was looking for.


Tuilleries is soft milky pink jelly with small dark pink and larger red,silver, orange, and purple hex glitters.

This is spot on! I love the base color of this, it isn't a stark white. The soft pink is really a nice combination with the glitter. This polish is so girly and sweet. I love how the glitter from the previous coats peek through the jelly base. The formula on this is great too. This was opaque in 3 coats. This is not streaky or uneven at all. I'm very happy with this polish, and it could be contender for one of my favorites so far in 2012!

This polish also has a great story. This polish idea was created by Amanda from The Nail Polish Enthusiast. If you're familiar with LEX Cosmetics all of their polishes have a "Color Story". This is Amanda's Tuilleries color story..

"First, tulips are one of the first signs that spring is really, truly, finally here! Second, they always remind me of my mother..... I would love to have a color that can represent her in every way: in beauty, in color, in her favorite things, and in her uniqueness. My color would be light pinkish-red with glass-like flecks of silver, red, pink, and orange within it to showcase the depth of both tulips and my mother."

This is a beautiful polish with a beautiful story. I know how meaningful this is for Amanda. $1 of each purchase of Tuilleries will be donated to lung cancer research.

 I ordered Tuilleries on LEX Cosmetics website for $10.00.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Share With You Sunday: 3/25/12-4/1/12

I wish I had an awesome April Fools thing going on for you all today, but sadly I don't. I fail at April Fools. I trust some other bloggers have something fun up their sleeves! I'm sorry I missed out on Bottle Spam Saturday, it's been a stressful weekend, and I didn't have time to get it in it. :(

Posts I'm Loving:
Obsessive Cosmetic Hoarders Unite shares with us some new Sally Hansen polishes.
Beauty Junkies Unite swatches the new Wet n' Wild MegaLast lipcolor shades.
Sincerely Stephanie shares with us her Cocktail Brights splatter manicure.
Pretty Little Bottles swatches the Avon Enchanted Spring polish collection.
Refined and Polished shows us her Essie and Zoya color blocking manicure.
Frazzle and Aniploish shares with us the end of March nail displays.
Valentine Kisses gives us a rundown of the different sample box services.
fyehilovenails shares with us the Flyin' Clover manicure.

Posts You're Loving:
Polish Obsession swatches Ruby Kisses Blue Pearl.
Simple-and-Beautiful shares with us her stamping manicure using China Glaze Flying Dragon.
Make-up/Music/Money/Me shares with us an article on HamptonRoads about her love of polish.
Polish Etc. swatches China Glaze Harvest Moon.
The Lacquered Lady shows us her color blocking manicure.

You can submit your links for posts on Sundays here

Reader Manis of the Week:

Name: Kristal
Location: North Carolina
Manicure Description: This is Barielle's Falling Stars.
Favorite Polishes: I'm really loving the aqua/turquoise colors right now. So my favorites are Orly Gumdrop, Zoya Bevin and Color Club New Bohemian. My all time favorite polish though is China Glaze Pelican Gray or OPI Skull & Glossbones.

Name: Ali Golightly
Location: Buffalo, NY
Manicure Description: I used Sinful Colors Rise and Shine, and Wet N Wild Black Creme for the accent finger. This was my St. Patrick's day manicure and to paint the shamrock, I used the rounded tip of a bobby pin.
Favorite Polishes: Some of my all-time favorite polishes are OPI I'm Not Really A Waitress, Zoya Ali (because it's my name ;]) and LC, and China Glaze Designer Satin
Blog/Tumblr: My blog is Bella Diamante at

You can find information on how to submit your manicures for Sunday posts here

Happy Sunday!